Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

East Coast wavesail on Friday Saturday

Created by geared4knots > 9 months ago, 28 Jan 2015
TAS, 2646 posts
28 Jan 2015 9:55PM
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Thinking about it with the forecast for Friday , Saturday
keep an eye on direction/swell and strength.

here is a post ( page two) that covers the best spots.

TAS, 3173 posts
28 Jan 2015 10:28PM
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Saturday on east coast looks awesome strong southerly with big swell.

for you guys
for me. But if I've got nothing on I'll come up with the camera.

TAS, 189 posts
28 Jan 2015 11:11PM
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that is a huge east coast swell prediction... where will hold that sort of swell with a southerly wind?

TAS, 161 posts
29 Jan 2015 9:04AM
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Heading up tomorrow am.Should be a few options for both surfing & sailing.

TAS, 2433 posts
29 Jan 2015 10:00AM
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TAS, 2342 posts
29 Jan 2015 10:17AM
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Can't make the east coast, family commitments. What would Cremorne Points be like Saturday for a wavesail there?

WA, 991 posts
29 Jan 2015 9:49AM
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Smallish at 3ft forecast for clifton,pure south is the right direction for the wind might be worth a look at low tide around 1,30pm (.4m)

TAS, 546 posts
29 Jan 2015 2:06PM
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"If I've got nothing on I'll come up with the camera..."

For everybody's sake, Houston, DON'T!

TAS, 1664 posts
29 Jan 2015 10:38PM
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Kazza said..
Can't make the east coast, family commitments. What would Cremorne Points be like Saturday for a wavesail there?

I might have a look there after lunch kazza, ive gotta work until around 1

TAS, 2646 posts
29 Jan 2015 10:47PM
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brett, , Jordon, tim and i thinking of east coast run tomorrow- pre saturday mission. Will check forecast in morning.

dont think swell will get into cremorne Saturday Kazz, you never know though,

TAS, 3173 posts
29 Jan 2015 11:44PM
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Gclark1 said..

For everybody's sake, Houston, DON'T!

Clarky you are a cruel oh and why don't you come over to the east coast, I suppose you don't even know where it is.................. go to Bell Buoy then turn right, keep driving till you hit the sea.................that is the east coast, you might think you need a passport to go that far but that's a myth.

I'm still keen for Saturday if you're going up

TAS, 161 posts
30 Jan 2015 8:54AM
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Swellnet observation at Scamander 6-8 ft +, probably not that big on lower east coast.
Heading off shortly,check out Shelly Point (Orford)for a surf then head up the coast.

TAS, 2646 posts
30 Jan 2015 10:26AM
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text me if you find the spot, we are leaving at 10.
damien 0409854754

TAS, 542 posts
30 Jan 2015 1:41PM
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East Coast is pumping today - Bicheno blowhole at low tide.

WA, 991 posts
30 Jan 2015 7:43PM
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Buxton was a banger

TAS, 1471 posts
30 Jan 2015 11:06PM
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Flouro1 said..
Buxton was a banger

Don't let Lisa see this

TAS, 726 posts
30 Jan 2015 11:13PM
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Believe it or not it was 3/4 mast today on the take off at times on the outside point!
Everyone had fun. Tomorrow looks the same, most likely go up again tomorrow
Not the best photos to show the action but the east coast has potential!
God bless and get to bed everyone for tomorrow

WA, 991 posts
30 Jan 2015 8:22PM
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1970, Cool man
1980, radical
1990 , awesome dude
2000, ace
2010 , amaze balls
2015 , banger

TAS, 2646 posts
30 Jan 2015 11:22PM
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Going agian tomorrow if forecast is the same.
Tim, Brett, Anthony And Veitz already on board, another epic session!!! maybe...

TAS, 2646 posts
30 Jan 2015 11:29PM
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Thanks for that Tim
Now get off the gas and get ready for the Session tomorrow, you young blokes just go on and on and on and on and on and on zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

TAS, 2433 posts
30 Jan 2015 11:44PM
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Nice plan to get Veitz up there; only show the shoulder high face hacks Not too big those ones. Now here's another epic session.(red thumbs please)

TAS, 161 posts
31 Jan 2015 9:06AM
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At swanwick, howling sse & pouring rain.

TAS, 104 posts
31 Jan 2015 2:35PM
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So where did everyone end up?

507 posts
31 Jan 2015 2:26PM
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sailed at kelvedon today. Fickle 15 knots inside. Tricky getting out the back where the winds was solid and swell was too. Suspect swell will be good again tomorrow. Not sure about wind. Had a 100 l board an 5.5. Only just enough to get out.

4 posts
31 Jan 2015 3:43PM
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Kelvedon - big swell, but tough getting thru the shorebreak even at the south end

TAS, 104 posts
31 Jan 2015 6:45PM
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Still blowing here at dolphin sands, solid 20 knots looks about 30 out past the bar

TAS, 726 posts
31 Jan 2015 9:56PM
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Did the road trip today. checked out all the surf breaks and Kelvedon.
No sailing action today for the southern boys.
Well done to everyone who did have a sail today
God bless and goodnight

TAS, 3173 posts
1 Feb 2015 12:12AM
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Kelvedon is definitely the spot with a southerly wind and 3m swell ...............if my leg wasn't busted I would have been out there.........sorry guys I just can't make excuses for you

TAS, 2433 posts
1 Feb 2015 9:02AM
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Isn't it Buxton Point (some surfers call it the chicken run). Kelvedon is the beach, are you sailing the beach or point

4 posts
1 Feb 2015 6:22AM
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that's a good question buzzy, on the map its called Shelly Point. Buxton point is the one south of Mayfield.

Anyway I wanted to sail the point, there was a good break off it. but mostly ended up swimming in the shorebreak

TAS, 2646 posts
1 Feb 2015 9:29AM
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houston said..
Kelvedon is definitely the spot with a southerly wind and 3m swell ...............if my leg wasn't busted I would have been out there.........sorry guys I just can't make excuses for you

Hard to repeat fridays sail Ant,
Not up to scratch for us yesterday, It was only about 10-12 knots when we drove back and could see out over the bay. I think it that size swell you really would need to be full on planing to be able to point up wind to be able catch the waves on the point.
I can imagine- Sail out , end up a bit down wind, Try and point up too the point, get caught out by a big 3/4 mast one with no wind on the face , PUSHED INTO ROCKS AND


The point at Buxton, not the beach.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"East Coast wavesail on Friday Saturday" started by geared4knots