Forecast saids Bell Buoy 20 to 30 knots on Friday
If the forecast holds Dad Tim and I will be at Bell Buoy at 11.00. Brett and Houston will be there at the same time. I think Relic has got a spare space if anyone's interested?
God bless and goodnight
The depleting Northern wave sailing crew welcome the Southern commute to Bell Buoy......Except for the one who calls himself "The Ant". He will need a graduation certificate 1 in excellence for forward looping signed by either G. Clark or Gem Hall in order to sail the pristine conditions the North has to offer
Ben and I will be coming up at around 12, old gear but should be fun
also , what is red thumbs for this topic?
I'm in but probably not til early afternoon. Looking forward to seeing the southerners up for a sail.
I'll let the young fella know. He'll get onto Jem for the cert. No good trying the other bloke he's a bit dyslexic and thinks a barrel is a loop
I have to work, so I need PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE of ANY claims made, if not then I can have every confidence that it is the usual load of ...
Damn! Accidentally hit the POST MY REPLY button before I could finish that sentence.
Let's every one calm their farm it's meant to be fun , watch kosters new vid and we're all only half as good combined
He's perfected the double forward, push loop forward and a host of other crazy s...
There's still a co-pilot's seat in the Bell Buoy Shuttle Discovery. PM if anyone want's to make an economical trip.
How depressing, I have just realised that -
- I have done about 1000+ upwind f#@ked up jumps over the past few years - according to Rule 5A
- I am on the C team - according to the definition
- I have been relegated to 'paper-pusher' - as noted in Rule 2A
At least no rules apply to me, since I am on the C team....... Hang on, does that include all of the above? And if no rules apply to me, does that mean that Rule 6A: No rules apply to C team, also doesn't apply to me?
Damn - I thought I had it all worked out too. You guys are messing with my head!
Red Team - the embarrassed team
There's also the Licorice Allsort Team - rig of multiple colours and all sorts
Forecast has changed again
What you northern guys think.?
Looks windy down south now, dont know about swell though
GFN's. Yes forecast has dropped by 5 knots. Should still be good though. Every forecast of late and the past has been 6-10 knots over predicted, 25-30 knot forecast dropping to 20-25 will normally mean you'll need a 4.5 in the afternoon. The last 15-25 knot forecast last weekend and many times before brought on overpowered conditions on a 4.0m. We'll keep you updated on Thursday / Friday morning as to what the conditions are like
Proffitt training diaries 2 that's what I am talking about!
Freestylers first time in the waves landing perfect backies and forwards with their 720 shakas on the wave face.
Deadacated wave sailors double forwardiing everywhere the bar has risen
Magicseaweed is telling me that Bellbuoy tomorrow is going to be a HOOT - ALL day.
I spoke with Rafa last night who is planning to be there in the afternoon tomorrow, and is keen to see just how good you lot are. I told him that you are LEGENDS! Don't make a liar of me...
Have a BLAST you guys!
Not so hard on the mast if your body breaks first though.
Always look on the bright side - 'Wow, my body is broken in 6 places...but thank goodness my mast is still in one piece!'
Im going to go and get my hair wet. I will be trying to keep my board on the water and not break anything.