Friday's Fizzer. Sorry for the delay..An old dog is trying to learn new tricks (software) Apple dudded me by un-supporting my old one. Steve Jobs is hacking from beyond the mortal coil. I think the new is program better anyway and isn't Apple; who have the scruples of crack dealers.
Feedback welcome..BTW images have been enlarged a lot.
Appleman was at the controls.
Geared for Kn
More Flouro
My best move
Honestly...there was hardly a breath of wind. He's got hollow bones
I prefer the old ,Geevston Fanny, and the Golden Delicious myself , each to there own though.
I reckon it hit 15 knots top in the gusts.
Bugger ,the camera was waiting for some rad moves..
You southerners are a weird mob! Integrating apples, goats and dogs can't be in line with the wishes of Huey, our Deity.
But, what the heck, if it makes the wind blow, go for it!