Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Heading Back To Tas, What To Expect ???

Created by Poley > 9 months ago, 17 Jan 2023
5 posts
17 Jan 2023 12:02PM
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As the tiltle suggests, I'll be moving back to Tas later this year as I have bought a house in St Helens after living on the Midwest Coast of W.A in Geraldton for the last 20 years.
Last windsurfed in Tas in the late 80's/early 90's where I learnt in the gusts and mud of the Trevalyn Dam and then most weekends at Low Head and Bell Bouy Beach when there was wind.
Have great memories of blasting from Lagoon Beach to Kelso return on a broad reach.
Just wondering what to expect when I move back as distance may have made the heart grow fonder and the truth might have been exaggerated in my head.
What would the average wind strength /sail size be if looking to wave sail on the east coast and a bit of flat water blasting in Georges and Ansons Bays thrown in and the chances of the mother nature turning it on through the seasons ?.
I remember the wind being a be a bit fickle and the water cold compared to summer sailing over here where it's 25knots plus, crossshore in boardshorts, long sleeved rashy and a hat to stop the sunburn most of summer.
Sailing will not be my number one sport priority but I do hope to keep my sea legs and reflexes in tune for the times I head back to Geraldton for a holiday.
Any information or insights on sailing in the N/E of Tas appreciated.


TAS, 729 posts
17 Jan 2023 9:56PM
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logged in as my son but
most of us tassies guys who are serious dream of living, sailing in WA
A few of the guys have moved over to perth , and Geralton.
Tim, and Tony to name a couple, you might know them.

East coast tassie is a fickle spot for wavesailing.
we live in Hobart and most of our traveling is north or west coast coast. frontal to north coast for good old cross on bumb jump - like Coros but closer to shore-- low head area.
or we travel to Marrawah.- down the line - world renouned.
east coast spots we sail are Kelverton in a south wind and swell.
or summer ne we go to friendly beaches . Sometimes and i mean sometimes shelly point at scammander can be down the line .
Basically if you are a super keen wave sailor then maybe wrong place to live- maybe flat water blast at st helens would be good .
or take up winging- there are a few up that way learning.
give me a ring if you want nore info on sailing in tassie - damien 0409854754

524 posts
19 Jan 2023 4:14AM
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Damo has it spot on. Gawd, you're moving from windsurfing heaven to .... not so heavenly.
I too learned around Lonnie - Low head was great. Trevallyn was inconsistent eh?
Tassie can turn it on for sure, but not as consistently as WA. My limited experiences of St Helens are that great windsurfing conditions there are rare. Don't give up - just be prepared to lower your expectations, travel or take up winging or another watersport.
FWIW, Georges Bay can be superb in a light to moderate nor easter for winging.

5 posts
20 Jan 2023 8:34AM
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Cheers for the reply fella's.
In all honesty I was not expecting too much from the east coast of Tas and will have to strike when the iron is hot to get any decent conditions.
No matter where I am I think Geraldton will be pretty hard to beat.
Only need to look around the carparks to see people travel from all corners of the planet to get world class conditions where the locals call it "normal" or "average".
As mentioned before, sailing is no longer my number one priority, moving back for the cooler temps for mtbing and dirtbike riding so sailing will be taking a back seat for a while.
Bought a bit of light wind (under 20 knots)/slalom kit this year, first time sailing flat water since the late 90's, so I'll be bringing that down and maybe upsize some sails for the not so windy days.
Hoping to kite or wind-ding as a last resort.

WA, 969 posts
27 Jan 2023 8:25AM
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G'day Poley, I used to sail Low Head and Trevallyn Dam when time was limited in the late 80s, early 90s also. I expect I sailed with you at some stage, though I used to give it up for 6mths of the year because it was too bloody cold!. Windsurfing is certainly better over here, even living down near Bunbury (worst spot on west coast). Best wishes for your return to Tas, it's still a great place.
cheers Rob

TAS, 2 posts
27 Jan 2023 10:01PM
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Gday Poley
Plenty of flat water fun to be had at Ansons in anything from a southerly around to north east.
The southerlies tend to crank up a notch or three up that way compared to around St Helens.
I try to get out there as often as possible and normally solo so would be good to have some company.
oh and don't forget your weedy, essential at Ansons.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Heading Back To Tas, What To Expect ???" started by Poley