So far two good days of results considering the forecast/conditions. Basically scoping out the lake and seeing how far we can push into the shallows. Today is the day hopefully. Rest of week is a little lighter but still some good slalom sailing.
Sunday's session:
Well done on today Team Perks! Fantastic session at Lake George (
Three Tasmanians currently leading the overall International 2015 GPSTC!! Gotta record it while we can
Yes yesterday was a good day today we decided to give it a miss (18knots but glassy water) Tomorrow is looking good. So see what happens, forecast is for 20, but will more than likely stronger.
Good luck and may the seaweed suppress the chop for you guys as opposed to Bol where it try's to kill wave sailors
Well a big day on the lake
Overall, international 2015 rank
Well done Team Perks, was just about to post the same ranking ladder. Awesome effort and right at the very top for 2015 now!!
Your efforts have also put us in front for the month of February, so a good start to the year.
So, who's going to go to Lake George in March?
Ben, Jason and I are leaving at the end of next week for our trip to LG...hopefully we will get enough wind to do a few PB's and good numbers for the team...cant wait to go
Thanks Izaak, great first day in 17-20 knot wind but with the lake having glassy sections to play on we had an absolute ball. Bit of mud to walk through but enough water to run the BPWS34/7.5m
I'd offer you boys a Scotch but perks cleaned out the cabinet....I have been working but heard Sammy has you boys sorted...
Yep, big thanks to everyone that has helped us out pointing us in the right direction. Had a magic sail that made the whole trip worth it... from here on in is all bonus....
Got a good idea of how it all works for next time it blows, helps a lot ;)