Finally, the latest bit of high tech equipment purchased by The Friday night windsurfing Committee at a cost of $684.80.
Hey guys just wanted to say what a great idea to put this weather station at hobarts premiere bump and jump location, I found,statistically, the rain gauge figures, were up from last year,causing a huge increase in see level rise,very interesting. so good to be at work and jump on line to find out what sailling conditions are like , so that no potential time is wasted. Good effort.
Wind west to south west just come in 9.45am,highish tide, temp 8.9 degrees c feels like 3.5 degrees,.Will is just rigging up, swell in Fredrick Henry picking up, same size as yesterday, dorans for me ,sore and tired,cold ,not driving down the road..this weather report was sponsored by Friday night haveachat society.