Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Northern Learner this Weekend

Created by clarence > 9 months ago, 14 Jan 2019
TAS, 979 posts
14 Jan 2019 9:05PM
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There is a northern Learner Day scheduled for this weekend. I recall Gillian offered to run it, but think she is away at the moment. I'm happy to run it if I can get at least two other people to come along and help out.

As a few of the events have not proceeded due to lack of wind, I was going to propose running a formal longboard race as part of the day as well.

If anyone is able to help out, let me know and I'll post it on facebook in the next 24 hours.

It would be at Lagoon Bay on whichever day is most suitable wind-wise.


Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
15 Jan 2019 5:46PM
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Sunday morning should be OK for me, working Saturday

TAS, 979 posts
15 Jan 2019 7:57PM
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Thanks Alan

Tides looking good.

If wind is too strong at Georgetown, I'm thinking Paper Beach as backup option for learners.

Ah yes, work....


TAS, 979 posts
16 Jan 2019 12:32PM
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Lagoon Bay. I'm thinking 10:30 am.

Longboard race later in the day. You can race whatever board you want- foil, raceboard, one design.

See youse there.


TAS, 979 posts
19 Jan 2019 2:07PM
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Looks like there will be a few turn up for the Learn to Windsurf- so if any of you are able to come along and assist, that would be great.

Weather looking ideal also.

Don't forget the longboard...

TAS, 423 posts
19 Jan 2019 6:55PM
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I'll head down tomorrow. May not be there right on 10.30, but happy to help out. (I've not been much help so far this season).
See youse there.

TAS, 979 posts
19 Jan 2019 9:03PM
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Mort67 said..
I'll head down tomorrow. May not be there right on 10.30, but happy to help out. (I've not been much help so far this season).
See youse there.

Thanks Mort, the more the merrier. You can bring your foil board down to race in the arvo if you're keen.

TAS, 979 posts
20 Jan 2019 9:19AM
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See you at Lagoon Bay (on Lagoon Bay Rd near Low Head) from 10:30.

We have a few pretty small sails (2.5 and 3.2) if the wind gets up.

If you are a learner, don't leave it too late.

Possibility that we will be at Stone Quarry Bay off the Esplanade in Georgetown if it is too windy at Lagoon Bay.

Any questions, call Clarence 04888 46642.

TAS, 979 posts
20 Jan 2019 9:38PM
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Big thanks to Alan, Gillian and Adam for helping out with a very successful learners day. We will get some photos posted in the coming days.

Due to the stiff breeze at Lagoon Bay, we ran the day at Stone Quarry Bay (right in Georgetown) and it was ideal. 8-12 knots, sandy bottom, high tide.

Thanks also to all the keen participants who came along and gave it a good effort until we ran out of water.


TAS, 979 posts
24 Jan 2019 10:26PM
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A few photos from the Learn to Windsurf Day last weekend (thanks Gillian).

Stone Quarry Bay in the centre of Georgetown was just right (until be ran out of water a 3:00). It was 15 plus knots at Lagoon Bay a lot of the morning.

Excellent and safe place for learners


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Northern Learner this Weekend" started by clarence