Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Saturday in the South

Created by Kazza > 9 months ago, 4 Nov 2016
TAS, 2342 posts
4 Nov 2016 3:07PM
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Tomorrow looks like it will be all guns firing down south, wsw. And its the weekend

TAS, 1651 posts
4 Nov 2016 6:36PM
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where are you sailing Kazza

Cheers Russ

507 posts
4 Nov 2016 3:48PM
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I'm keen. Forecasting 30-40 knots. Im thinking Mortimer or Carlton.

TAS, 2342 posts
4 Nov 2016 7:58PM
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I'm thinking Dorans Russ. Very westerly.

TAS, 3173 posts
4 Nov 2016 8:16PM
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Sandpits in WSW is cross off there's swell and plenty wind I'll take a look at that. We used to sail there heaps gotta get this back on the agenda for da wave soilers

TAS, 96 posts
4 Nov 2016 8:20PM
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I might try to do morning Dorans if I can get my s..t together!

TAS, 2646 posts
4 Nov 2016 9:04PM
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Park is perfect, big crew bOOKED IN.
Big jumps, big waves and big balls!

TAS, 837 posts
5 Nov 2016 7:04AM
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houston said..
Sandpits in WSW is cross off there's swell and plenty wind I'll take a look at that. We used to sail there heaps gotta get this back on the agenda for da wave soilers

Wind forecast looking pretty good for SP. I'd rather ride than jump. Not so hard on the body! Who's in?

TAS, 1471 posts
5 Nov 2016 7:20AM
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I'm thinking sandpits, if the swells not to big

TAS, 2646 posts
5 Nov 2016 7:33AM
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Lumpy bumpy gusty , sharks , too onshore in s/w, CLOSEOUTS .....and always wish you went to Park.
Worth a look if you are close.. might do a checkout run this morning.

TAS, 837 posts
5 Nov 2016 7:46AM
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Youre on the money Geared; Dennes showing SW. Not WSW as forecast. Looking more like Park.

TAS, 837 posts
5 Nov 2016 7:47AM
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Relic said..
Youre on the money Geared; Dennes showing SW. Not WSW as forecast. Looking more like Park.

Bring your memory sticks if you want pics from Buxton Pt.

TAS, 3173 posts
5 Nov 2016 8:44AM
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Currently WSW SP worth a look but no wind yet looking from my house Pittwater no white caps

TAS, 2433 posts
5 Nov 2016 9:16AM
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Swell is a good size for Sandpits. Not a lot of wind at the moment, cross shore.
Cross shore wavesailing versus onshore jumping(if you get planning in the corner) debate.

TAS, 2342 posts
5 Nov 2016 9:46AM
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I'm feeling like a need for speed today. So I think I'll try for some gpsing but if too windy I'll have the wave gear. Wind filled in at Lauderdale

TAS, 28 posts
5 Nov 2016 9:51AM
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Morning park pic for all...wind looks perfect park direction and steady..swell forecast to build

TAS, 28 posts
5 Nov 2016 9:56AM
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Enough wind to pole vault too

TAS, 2433 posts
5 Nov 2016 10:03AM
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Good direction for SP. Banks amd waves

TAS, 28 posts
5 Nov 2016 10:51AM
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This tea bagger suffering memories of tonka toy loss by sandpit bullies..heading out park now..looks quite good

TAS, 3173 posts
5 Nov 2016 10:33PM
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You sandpit boys might not believe me but Park was not too bad couldn't be much better cross on but smooth in between sets so good for jumping. Interested to know what Sandpits was like in that direction?


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Saturday in the South" started by Kazza