Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Statewide Wednesday Westerly

Created by houston > 9 months ago, 7 Dec 2015
TAS, 3173 posts
7 Dec 2015 11:10PM
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Looks like the whole state will cop strong westerlies...........
Low Head will go off it's usual scale for the radical loopies...................down south Dorans is a guarantee and Sand Pits could pull it off for the wave junkies

WA, 991 posts
7 Dec 2015 8:55PM
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Did you notice Thursday in the south ,Westerly in the morning turning Northeastly15/25 knots in the afternoon with a 4m SW swell is this even possible and if so goats maybe impossible

TAS, 3173 posts
9 Dec 2015 6:40AM
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Perfect set up for Sand Pits 25-30W in middle of day with swell ............................and I'm just heading to Lonny so will miss out

Dorans will be pumping

TAS, 1471 posts
9 Dec 2015 6:58AM
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houston said...
Perfect set up for Sand Pits 25-30W in middle of day with swell ............................and I'm just heading to Lonny so will miss out

Dorans will be pumping


TAS, 42 posts
9 Dec 2015 7:08AM
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Not much swell on the arm this morning. Clifton is tiny

TAS, 546 posts
9 Dec 2015 7:30AM
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Look at what we have to put up with today - rubbish!

Better leave your gear at home Houston - nothing happening here.

TAS, 2648 posts
9 Dec 2015 7:32AM
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sw swell may be tiny but slightly bigger middle day, wind west north west - might go to Carlton for a look

WA, 991 posts
9 Dec 2015 4:35AM
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It's 1ft at 9am dropping to flat when Antman arrives for his loop session

Carlton will have 1 to2 ft not much better
A little bigger on Maui when I looked at surf report last Sunday --Hookipa 25/35 ft and washed out --Jaws 40/60ft with 18knot trade winds ( should see some vid/ photos soon)

TAS, 837 posts
9 Dec 2015 8:08PM
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Doran"s off.....

Yep it's windy

Helmets needed even in the car park

TAS, 167 posts
9 Dec 2015 8:46PM
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Great photos Relic.

Any news on what wind reading was ?

The airport shows it was 29knts with gusts to 41knts at 2.00pm when I was out sailing......felt stronger at Dorans!

really need to save up for a 4.2m

WA, 991 posts
9 Dec 2015 7:51PM
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Nice work on the camera Paul
Wind averaging 30 knots hitting 45 in the gusts
Sounds like and felt like 4,2 weather

TAS, 2343 posts
10 Dec 2015 8:40AM
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Great photography Paul.

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
10 Dec 2015 9:33AM
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I arrived at Bell Buoy late and missed the best waves (at half tide) and the best wind (in the middle of the day) still, the lads had left me a few scraps and there was still the odd gust but I was wishing I had brought the freewave instead of the Quad.

TAS, 543 posts
10 Dec 2015 6:40PM
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Great shots guys!

Never enough photo's of sailing in our amazing state... hard to believe there's a better location to Windsurf!!


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Statewide Wednesday Westerly" started by houston