Here we go again!
Been a rough year, lots of injuries, short summer, fickle seabreezes , lots of new gear with no action, even repairs, board and body!
The team will take to the road, Thursday 12th of March, for as many days as we can handle. We'll drive to where-ever the wind blows best that morning/as well as planning for best we can. I've got my money Day 1= Stanley .
For those not in the know...
1 - 2014 -
2 - 2015 -
3 - 2016 -
4 - 2017 -
5 - 2018 -
6 - 2019 -
Stay tuned to this Oyster Channel for updates and photo's - Ben has committed to the legendary short video again *clap clap* - which will happen a couple of weeks post event - posted right here...
Already counting the days... always have an absolute ball
Herb bread and Stanley day 1... wouldn't want it any other way
Team Oysters Mud dog mascot has been loaded and we're all getting pretty excited ... looks like a NW assault this year but as the road trip rules say ... nothing's is locked in until we leave ??
Team oysters road trip is on the road!
Heading to Stanley today and tomorrow could be a big travel day ... stay tuned... mud dog behind the wheel
Team oysters road trip had a hugely successful day one.
wind was stronger than expected and extremely consistent at Stanley ... found a cottage with a view and bourbon is flowing after 3km runs and over 55km at east inlet
Travel day tomorrow with a late sail planned on the East Coast.... subject to change
Team oysters road trip is heading to Coles Bay today with good wind forecast late ... were on the road! Ice cream and bourbon for breakfast
Huge drive to Coles bay with no real plan ... or place to stay but we knew that was where the wind was which is rule 1! or something..
Looked about and had a few options on NW wind.. Ended up at a brand new spot called Pelican point.. which had a pelican... 5 after we arrived.
On the smallest gear we all had and got smashed at times we had a ball.. Well done on the PB Nigel and I believe we will have to update the spot record list thanks to Paul
Pizza at the Hazards and we finally found an old place to stay with terrible views and supplied windsurfers..
The SW change has come through and it could bring on new spots again tomorrow.. stay tuned..
Top job on the Merchandise Johnny, thanks heaps.
Thanks for attending the start Cookie.. Stanley always turns it on..
All home safe and another epic road trip completed!
Day 3 bought the SW change as predicted and we were against a new sand bar ... not before sailed as far as we know.
super flat and Paul casually knocked out 35 plus for the second day in a row proving a lot of potential for this spot.
Some amazing accomodation , wind , bourbon , sailing and we all had an ice cream ... there was talk of the "best road trip ever" but that's only until next year where we have bigger plans than the "Team oysters road trip" has ever seen before.
We all missed you Johnny and look forward to your return in 2021!
Video to
My....what big feet you have Ben!
I'm gutted to not have made it this year. Great to hear that there are more East Coast adventure spots to be explored.
See you next year. Mort.