Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

The Storm before the Calm - in the North

Created by Gclark1 > 9 months ago, 19 Jul 2014
TAS, 546 posts
19 Jul 2014 6:45PM
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Just in case you thought it all rumour - evidence follows.

The wind on the water says it all. Even when the hail came down we were having a BLAST, honest!

Follow my lead Professor Houston - show us what you have been up to...I think...

TAS, 487 posts
19 Jul 2014 7:06PM
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It looks super windy in that last shot

TAS, 546 posts
20 Jul 2014 9:26AM
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It was, and it was like that nearly the whole time.

Too strong to stay in the harness sometimes for fear of death by dismemberment. Smooth water though, as you can see and moderate sized ramps. Jumps were more of a high-speed, horizontal, tail-wagging sort of affair, but a hoot nonetheless.

A week of rest now, judging by the forecast, but the windy season is nearly upon us.


TAS, 837 posts
20 Jul 2014 10:03AM
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Was that Greens? Looks like survival sailing! Did the hail dent any gear or heads?

TAS, 546 posts
20 Jul 2014 8:29PM
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It was greens - sorry...
Hail was painful which is why everyone is huddled under their sails. No hail-damage in sight though.
It was a nice sail, I have to say

TAS, 367 posts
20 Jul 2014 10:05PM
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The CALM after the storm. Shots from today.

TAS, 1471 posts
20 Jul 2014 10:07PM
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Nice photos all


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"The Storm before the Calm - in the North" started by Gclark1