Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

This WEEK in the south

Created by houston > 9 months ago, 1 Nov 2015
TAS, 3173 posts
1 Nov 2015 8:22PM
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Monday, Tues - southerlies for the Pond, maybe Clifton and the river.
Wednesday - NE for another session at Goats
Thurs - NE Goats or Marion
Friday - South for Pond, Clifton and River
Saturday - NE Goats or Marion.

We'll need a break soon .....................nah just keep sailing.........................howzit goin up north

TAS, 546 posts
1 Nov 2015 8:41PM
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Going? It's not!

Easterlies forecast for Wednesday, but they are never a sure thing, and finding a spot to get out is a challenge.

So the tables have turned it seems...

Mitch and I got a kite yesterday, of sorts, and Luka had a bob. Don't hold your breath for photographs.........

TAS, 3173 posts
1 Nov 2015 11:19PM
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Clarky get yourself a passport and go to Marrawah they've had good conditions in the last month, it takes 3hr 8min to get there from Lonny, Hobart to Bell Buoy is 3hr. I know just how difficult an 8min drive can be, it's tough but then that's life. I guess the only real reason we go to Bell Buoy is because we love you and just can't stay away............................also love Greenie's attempts at forwards

TAS, 2342 posts
2 Nov 2015 9:34AM
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houston said..
Monday, Tues - southerlies for the Pond, maybe Clifton and the river.
Wednesday - NE for another session at Goats
Thurs - NE Goats or Marion
Friday - South for Pond, Clifton and River
Saturday - NE Goats or Marion.

We'll need a break soon .....................nah just keep sailing.........................howzit goin up north

and it's not even summer yet!!

TAS, 172 posts
2 Nov 2015 11:34AM
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Observations for Sundown Point to Bluff this morning,
25 knots cross shore SSW
2 M swell and building.

TAS, 3173 posts
2 Nov 2015 1:47PM
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cookie01 said..
Observations for Sundown Point to Bluff this morning,
25 knots cross shore SSW
2 M swell and building.


I'm heading off to Clifton about 3pm

TAS, 837 posts
2 Nov 2015 9:18PM
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Al, Will Short and I had a great blast at Droughy Pt. Rd. Looked a bit too SW for Cliffy. Anyone get a sail there?

TAS, 3173 posts
2 Nov 2015 11:19PM
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Yeah I got out Clifton for an hour then the wind dropped but ssw is a good direction provided it's strong enough

Wed still looking good for goats

TAS, 135 posts
3 Nov 2015 9:15PM
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It was definitely worth to drive to Marrawah yesterday ... Checked Greens, checked Bluff ... went back to Greens ... although waves were very small for west coast, I had a great time with long and scary fast down the line runs in waist high waves and very offshore wind ... Fully powered on 5.0, 4.5 would have been a better choice ...
Not to mention how beautiful weather and scenery were

TAS, 3173 posts
3 Nov 2015 10:49PM
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Perfect ............ class

TAS, 3173 posts
3 Nov 2015 10:58PM
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Goats still looking good for tomorrow (wed) arvo and sunny and warm

TAS, 2646 posts
4 Nov 2015 7:42AM
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Hope swell has dropped a bit, wave on points last night.

TAS, 2433 posts
4 Nov 2015 7:50AM
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Swell has dropped. Still a bit of size this morning, but now an inbetween swell on the mid tide(local surf talk=too big for beaches, not quite big enough for wedge) and dropping. You wouldn't want to be the useless prick that has a meeting with a guy that's over from Sydney for one day only, at 4pm today would you.......ffffffkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

TAS, 2342 posts
4 Nov 2015 10:18AM
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5 minute meeting maybe?

TAS, 167 posts
4 Nov 2015 10:27AM
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buzzy said..
Swell has dropped. Still a bit of size this morning, but now an inbetween swell on the mid tide(local surf talk=too big for beaches, not quite big enough for wedge) and dropping. You wouldn't want to be the useless prick that has a meeting with a guy that's over from Sydney for one day only, at 4pm today would you.......ffffffkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

I know your pain, no kindergarten for my 4yo today. I'm on child minding duty.

TAS, 2646 posts
4 Nov 2015 1:45PM
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Paul says it's on now
20 knot cross

WA, 991 posts
4 Nov 2015 11:47AM
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Still waiting up north else where

TAS, 3173 posts
4 Nov 2015 9:34PM
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Fluro that looks close to perfect I'm up for it next year............keep posting the pics so we can drool

And we reckon we had another great afternoon at Goats, 25knot NE with waste to head high.......................................closeouts!!! Still great fun though and about 10 on the water

TAS, 2342 posts
5 Nov 2015 9:13AM
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That was the best sail I've had at Goats. I got some good long runs, a few 4 bottom turn runs and plenty of wind in the impact zone.....until buzzy went out.

WA, 991 posts
5 Nov 2015 9:05PM
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Last wave for Matt .r before heading to National wavesailing titles and a dead kangaroo in the break attracted some of these

TAS, 2646 posts
6 Nov 2015 7:08AM
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And all we got was another day at goats yesterday,
Three in week!!!

TAS, 443 posts
6 Nov 2015 8:27PM
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Well looks like a Cliffy sail on Saturday high tides in the arvo so should entice that fickle southerly towards 18 knots that's my prediction, but it's not that hard to predict cause of the internet, technology, oh yeah Wednesday goats, but that's five days away.
If a high comes trough each week ,got to love it
I know Jordan can't get enough of the feeling.

TAS, 1471 posts
6 Nov 2015 8:48PM
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appleman said..
Well looks like a Cliffy sail on Saturday high tides in the arvo so should entice that fickle southerly towards 18 knots that's my prediction, but it's not that hard to predict cause of the internet, technology, oh yeah Wednesday goats, but that's five days away.
If a high comes trough each week ,got to love it
I know Jordan can't get enough of the feeling.

I reckon tomorrow morning looks the best probably not for Clifton but somewhere..

TAS, 2433 posts
6 Nov 2015 9:27PM
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Opening Mortimer gate about 6am. Please keep it closed as you come through. Cheers

TAS, 167 posts
6 Nov 2015 9:40PM
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buzzy said..
Opening Mortimer gate about 6am. Please keep it closed as you come through. Cheers

Are you attempting a massive distance?

TAS, 2646 posts
6 Nov 2015 10:16PM
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just another wednesday at goats

WA, 991 posts
7 Nov 2015 7:34AM
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Finally a photo that's what I was digging for
Hang on is that the Barron on a sail works back in the 1990s

TAS, 3173 posts
7 Nov 2015 11:25PM
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Appleman's the man as windcranker and I'd lost faith in the Cliffy the appleman looked up to the to the heavens an said 'you have faith my son it will crank in at the 3 oh clock on the dot" an low an behold that's just what it did an tha car park filled up with his followers 14 in all for a 20 not southerly buster an the apple man put on a show that would no scare the gods but send a shiver down the spine of the un beleevers

TAS, 2646 posts
8 Nov 2015 7:36AM
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houston said..
Appleman's the man as windcranker and I'd lost faith in the Cliffy the appleman looked up to the to the heavens an said 'you have faith my son it will crank in at the 3 oh clock on the dot" an low an behold that's just what it did an tha car park filled up with his followers 14 in all for a 20 not southerly buster an the apple man put on a show that would no scare the gods but send a shiver down the spine of the un beleevers

Praise the Lord

WA, 991 posts
8 Nov 2015 8:09AM
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A new preacher , it's a shame satin possessed the old one and he cross to the dark side
( kiteing)
Many have fallen and now dangle like puppets under the strings of the dark lord sidis


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"This WEEK in the south" started by houston