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Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Thursday session in the south

Created by martyj4 > 9 months ago, 13 Sep 2016
524 posts
13 Sep 2016 12:55PM
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Hi all,
BoM shows there's a fair bit of southerly wind on Thursday hitting the south and east coasts. 20-25 knots S along the east coast early (I'm thinking Kelvedon area). 2-3m easterly swell dropping to 1-2m by midday. Wind drops to 15-20 middayish and moves SW direction.
And Cliffy looks to be getting a pretty solid 2-3m southerly/SE swell most of the day. Wind forecast to be similar to east coast but should remain stronger for most of the day (20-25 knots). Will swing a bit to the SW around midday.
Lots of potential. I'm thinking Kelvedon/Saltworks but will see what the forecast holds closer to the day. If the east looks a little iffy, then I'll probably try Cliffy for some onshore mush rather than getting jagged travelling to the east.
Carlton looks similar to Cliffy, but wind and swell not as big.

TAS, 2648 posts
13 Sep 2016 9:46PM
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Ye ha, wind at last

TAS, 837 posts
14 Sep 2016 7:47AM
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If the forecast holds. Sunrise for me

524 posts
14 Sep 2016 5:50AM
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Revised BoM Meteye forecast. North of Orford now looking a little iffy and offshore early am. Strengthens to 20+ knots late am, but turns cross-off early arvo. So I'm not going to risk getting jagged at Kelverdon/Saltworks at the moment. Solid east swell of 2-3 m. Maybe a good SUP or surf at Saltworks (check the tides) for those interested, but I'm more keen for a sail.
Cliffy looking solid still. Southerly 20-30 knots early and turning SW through the day but staying strong. 2-3m swell. Carlton swell forecast to build, but wind not quite as strong as Cliffy. I'll be on Whatsapp to report.

524 posts
14 Sep 2016 5:52AM
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Yeah Paul, I'll be out early too.

TAS, 837 posts
14 Sep 2016 9:21AM
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Early gamble may pay off

TAS, 2648 posts
14 Sep 2016 1:06PM
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Dont go East!!
bullseye of the storm, between Bicheno and Orford, severe weather warning for floods- 80 120 mm tonight into tomorrow morning.

TAS, 837 posts
14 Sep 2016 4:29PM
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geared4knots said..
Dont go East!!
bullseye of the storm, between Bicheno and Orford, severe weather warning for floods- 80 120 mm tonight into tomorrow morning.

Forecast now SW. Good call Geared. Clifton???

WA, 991 posts
14 Sep 2016 3:39PM
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Blew 15/17 NE for an hour today then stopped and rained forecast accurate so far
As the low slips away to the SE ,Buxton could be on ,albeit still raining worth a look ?

TAS, 837 posts
14 Sep 2016 8:04PM
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Forecast back to SE in the early morning swinging SSW later. Anyone keen?

TAS, 2648 posts
14 Sep 2016 9:40PM
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heavy rain in am, waiting til later.
dont stress anyone as wind says in all day. early birds get the umbrella award.
swell up there so if cliff gets big and s/west check seven mile maybe?

TAS, 3173 posts
14 Sep 2016 11:38PM
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Tha Lawd say tha sun come tha wind peec tha swell peek orl at 3.05turnbull he or she sed get ya ars Ta the cliff there then so that's what eye'm gunna do

TAS, 160 posts
15 Sep 2016 5:20AM
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Mid afternoon for me but if it goes SSW as predicted other locations may come into play like goofballs?

TAS, 837 posts
15 Sep 2016 6:12AM
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Am I missing something? Wave height 1.5m. OK not as big as it has been but has good potential.

WA, 991 posts
15 Sep 2016 7:38AM
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Very wet and cold people going the soft option afternoon sail at Clifton we got spiolt with that sunny windy August

524 posts
15 Sep 2016 8:16AM
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Well, I had an ordinary sail at Cliffy. Hard to get out through the onshore conditions. Got steamrollered by a set, nasty hold down and board and sail parted ways. Swam in, looking for gear. On beach, found board. Sighted sail out in waves. Swam out and 5 m away from grabbing it, a wave submarined it. Gone. Waited out there for a few mins to hopefully see it pop up. No sign. Swim in. 5 mins later on the beach, I sight it 100m further down and 20m off the beach. Sprint down, dive into the rip that it's in, and swim out. Grab it, but by then I'm 50m out and heading out fast. Tow it sideways to get out of rip. After 10 mins, made no progress. So swim across rip the other way. No progress after 15 more mins and I'm getting pretty tired. Realise I'm on my way to NZ with this thing, so have to let it go. And after the swim in, I know there's a good chance I won't see it again, but it was the right thing to do.
If anyone sees a brand new blue 5.3 Severne Gator on Cliffy, can you let me know. I'd be utterly chuffed to see it again, although I suspect it won't be a minter anymore. Reward offered.

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
15 Sep 2016 10:41AM
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martyj4 said..
Well, I had an ordinary sail at Cliffy. Hard to get out through the onshore conditions. Got steamrollered by a set, nasty hold down and board and sail parted ways. Swam in, looking for gear. On beach, found board. Sighted sail out in waves. Swam out and 5 m away from grabbing it, a wave submarined it. Gone. Waited out there for a few mins to hopefully see it pop up. No sign. Swim in. 5 mins later on the beach, I sight it 100m further down and 20m off the beach. Sprint down, dive into the rip that it's in, and swim out. Grab it, but by then I'm 50m out and heading out fast. Tow it sideways to get out of rip. After 10 mins, made no progress. So swim across rip the other way. No progress after 15 more mins and I'm getting pretty tired. Realise I'm on my way to NZ with this thing, so have to let it go. And after the swim in, I know there's a good chance I won't see it again, but it was the right thing to do.
If anyone sees a brand new blue 5.3 Severne Gator on Cliffy, can you let me know. I'd be utterly chuffed to see it again, although I suspect it won't be a minter anymore. Reward offered.

Damn that's not great but at least you can tell the tale. I was just speaking to someone this morning who did the same thing last year off East Beach.

524 posts
15 Sep 2016 10:01AM
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Yeah Al, I am glad I can tell the tale. Not great, but there were a few moments where it could have been worse. I learned a lot out there. I'm not quite as invincible as I thought.

TAS, 167 posts
15 Sep 2016 2:18PM
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That sucks.
Did your tendon break, or how did they seperate?

524 posts
15 Sep 2016 12:37PM
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The mast base slipped down the track. How this happened is a mystery to me. It was tight when I left the beach. It's either worked loose (which I've never had happen before), or there was sooo much force on the sail and board that it's pulled the mast base down the track and the 2 parted company.

TAS, 161 posts
15 Sep 2016 5:54PM
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May have been worth paddling the board out, hard to reconnect but may be able to tie together with harness line & somehow tow back.
Worked for me in similar circumstances.

TAS, 2648 posts
15 Sep 2016 6:24PM
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Looked big and onshore windy, would of been impossible from what i viewed. impact zone clifton middle is dumpy and nasty
not the place you could screw rig to board..

certainly can screw up a rig though

WA, 991 posts
15 Sep 2016 5:58PM
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Not that soft an option after all rig down and nearly a man down

524 posts
16 Sep 2016 4:24AM
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grahamn said..
May have been worth paddling the board out, hard to reconnect but may be able to tie together with harness line & somehow tow back.
Worked for me in similar circumstances.

Thought did cross my mind, but the idea of getting an 88 litre board through foamies that were about 1m thick in the sets had me thinking I'd end up spat up on the beach. Had plenty of spare rope on the boom for tying stuff off, just not able to get board out there.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Thursday session in the south" started by martyj4