Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

What do you think of this logo?

Created by Kazza > 9 months ago, 20 Aug 2010
TAS, 2343 posts
20 Aug 2010 6:12PM
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This is just a very rough idea and the colours haven't come out properly. It's suppose to be a blue Tasmania with black windsurfer and writing and not so squished up. But it give you the general idea.

TAS, 2433 posts
20 Aug 2010 10:38PM
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Kazza said...

This is just a very rough idea and the colours haven't come out properly. It's suppose to be a blue Tasmania with black windsurfer and writing and not so squished up. But it give you the general idea.

Sorry Kazz, the board doesn't do it justice! It looks like a farting banana.

TAS, 3173 posts
20 Aug 2010 11:04PM
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Kazza, why don't you get a comp going for a new design, the winner could have a night out with you

TAS, 1471 posts
21 Aug 2010 10:36AM
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houston said...

Kazza, why don't you get a comp going for a new design, the winner could have a night out with you

Good idea about a competition designing for a logo (maybe a different prize, no offense ), we could even call on friends that may be in the design industry or people from this forum from other states, to help produce an award winning logo

Good start Kazza..

TAS, 1664 posts
21 Aug 2010 3:11PM
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well I like it - what ever those *&%^# say.

I like a comp idea

TAS, 2343 posts
21 Aug 2010 8:06PM
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Well the el president'e doesn't like it, he likes the logo we have now. Nice and simple and to be honest it is growing on me.
As for the farting bananna, Elaine Millers husband (Gordon) designed it in 1992, I just added the map of Tas and writing. All legal because it was the "Boardsailing Tasmania" logo then.
Anyway that's what you look like when your sailing


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"What do you think of this logo?" started by Kazza