For F$&ck sake the s@$t that is getting sent on Whatsapp is astonishing.
We have a golden opportunity to use it as a useful conduit for when and where we sail.
This is precisely why descreening individuals choose not to have a bar of Facebook and their ilk.
PLEASE take your superficial chatter elsewhere. Don't hijack something good.
Feel free to contact me via. P.M. should you require further clarification.
Peace bro have fun enjoy life we're only here for a short time so we gotta have fun an make friends feel good cos that's what friends are for
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........................back on topic.......................this topic has nothing to do with weather maps.............
Mmmnnn if I didn't spend all my time and money on windsurfing I would have a tablet or similar device that would up load "All That I am hearing is White Noise "by the Living End and I would know What an App is.
My apologies to any offence taken. It was done out of frustration. I think the message has been received. lets move on.
Talking about moving on I'm in Sudan heading down to the Nile tomorrow anyone know if there's a windsurfing school here?
The Red Sea has excellent strong wind and a few well stocked hire centres turn right after last pyramid on Nile and hire a camel if you get lost the guys at "International Sailing and Instructional School "driving the white Toyotas are very helpful
Don't worry Houston there is always an oasis on the horizon just depends on what trip your on, the no water trip , the peyote cactus trip, or even your everyday acid trip, just gaze into the distance an you will find Solomon's minds.
Good luck you old bastard