Hi all you northerners.
Currently, and due to DESPERATION, it looks like there will be a few of us at Lagoon scratching around on flat water in a 22 knot SW wind on Saturday. The lean times will probably mean that we will need traffic control in place - everyone will be there I imagine.
However, if it doesn't do what it promises, and let's face it, it hasn't lately, perhaps we should take a leaf out of the southerner's book and stop sitting in our rapidly softening hands and DO SOMETHING!!! Can I suggest not SUPP, but MTB?
Greenie, Mitch, Luka, Jason and I all have mountain bikes, so why don't we get organised, get out there, get scared, do some heavy breathing, lose some skin, and STOP MOANING!
Trevallyn is local for 4 of us, and Greenie needs to do more hills, so I am sure he would be HAPPY to ride up (in his ute).
I even have some spare bikes for those without...
I plan to be scratching around for wind at lagoon on Saturday for a light wind sail. I'm hoping with a tight harness this will be good therapy for a recently stuffed disk in my back. Option 2 for me will be SUPP as bouncing along bumpy roads may be a little painful, but have fun on the m.bikes if an optimistic sail doesn't eventuate.
Kazza - no one was supposed to notice that!
It has some new bars since that little bingle so it is no longer a 'right-hand-remote' setup.
Thank goodness the water isn't that hard when you hit it!!!
I thought this detail was a piece of engineering designed to improve laydown jibes, or even to initiate that over-the-handlebars move!!
In any case, I am up for any activity this weekend, lets hope it will be the windy one.
I'm up for a ride. Haven't been to Trevallyn yet but very keen to go with people who know their way around. Just put some new bars on the front of my bike so keen to give them a go.
I was going to post on that brake lever, decided i had done enough bull s..h...i.t posting this week..
have fun guys
Hi northerners - I think a plan is required:
Saturday may wind, and it may also rain, apparently, soIi would suggest that Saturday should be dedicated to the hope of a sail - Goons, as nowhere else will be pick up a south-westerly. Need also to stay OFF wet trails.
Sunday - fine - so Trevallyn Trails - Temps are 1 - 13 so can I suggest an early AFTERNOON ride (once the ice has melted)? I will put my hand up now to say that I will depart Max Fry Hall (top of Gorge Road) at 1.00 pm, unless this is problematic or someone else has a better idea. I will aim to expend time and speed at a rate appropriate to whoever is there (to HAVE FUN).
Monday - who knows what Monday will bring...?
Any better ideas, suggestions of time adjustments, etc?
Yep, they'll be quite a few at Lagoon saturday, hunting the wind down. Packing everything up to the Tiga Raceboard!
Could be crowded in the morning! I've got a couple of beginners who are keen to show up as well, so pipe up - introduce yourself and lend a hand if you see someone struggling.
Seems like forecast is still holding with early start looking like good option.
If the observations are good in the morning, I will be at Lagoon around 9.
Have a plan 'B' for lack of goon wind a sail with a cup of hot tea/wine/beer/cheese and biscuits/snooze/read a book!! With a crew of James on the helm, Madeline on the main, Goon dog on watch & Floody on wine/beer
Yep - be there or be square... shunned, ridiculed, generally bad-mouthed, and accused of all manner of unsavoury acts.
We did it...or should that be 'we didn't it' - we DID, but it wasn't windsurfing!
Felix, Luka, Jason - so VERSATILE!
Hamish, Mitch, Greenie - conspicuous absence...
Yeah all good plans get spoilt sometimes by family. For once it isn't work.. Free after lunch tomorrow if it is on again. Or I may just head to Kate Reed for a quickie.