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Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

what to do

Created by Al Planet > 9 months ago, 20 Mar 2014
Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
20 Mar 2014 4:39PM
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The wind has been so reliable this summer I have forgotten what else to fills the weekend.

longboard sailing (or racing in Hobbit town)



rip the old Starboard/Severne stickers off the car and put new ones on.

count my speed fins

solve P=NP

buy a dog

sew Easter Bunny outfit

TAS, 1664 posts
20 Mar 2014 5:33PM
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I wanna see u in an easter bunny out fit

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
20 Mar 2014 6:47PM
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FoS said..

I wanna see u in an easter bunny out fit

Thinking that maybe I could paint out the stripes on my Zebra outfit....or just convince the kids that rabbits are stripy.

TAS, 3173 posts
20 Mar 2014 10:40PM
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You're right Al apart from a sh.tty 3 weeks in Nov I reckon I've sailed 5 days out of 7 since I tried to retire

TAS, 2648 posts
20 Mar 2014 10:51PM
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what can i say... ,Oh what a glorious summer,
I might go round to ANTs and count how many pubes he has grown on his balls since going up North so much.

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
20 Mar 2014 11:05PM
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geared4knots said..

what can i say... ,Oh what a glorious summer,
I might go round to ANTs and count how many pubes he has grown on his balls since going up North so much.

Its World Happiness Day and your spending it thinking about Houston's testicles!!! Its a "Southern Thing" I guess....

TAS, 2648 posts
21 Mar 2014 8:39AM
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Sorry Al, meant " tenticles".
Getting mixed up with fishing comp.

TAS, 367 posts
21 Mar 2014 7:31PM
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Sunday could be windy after lunch. ! I'm keeping optimistic and my eye on the water, a sail may happen yet.
Hopefully with less ladish conversations like those above.

TAS, 3173 posts
22 Mar 2014 12:33AM
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Gill, like you I'm deeply offended by the, as you call it, the laddish conversation above...................very childish I think.
You on the other hand are much more interesting.................ah er umm..........I mean the fact that you talk about the wind and the possibility of a sail is more the type of discussion we encourage on this forum

TAS, 367 posts
22 Mar 2014 10:04AM
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More on the prospects of a sail.....
The forecast peak of 14knots was actually ten knots more at 25-33 knots last night.!
Maybe Sundays forecast 20knots will be 30knots if we are lucky.
Not science but desperate sail talk. I will be watching the observations closely on Sunday.

TAS, 979 posts
22 Mar 2014 2:28PM
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Gillianv said..

Hopefully with less ladish conversations like those above.


No offence blokes, but sailing is far more interesting.


TAS, 3173 posts
22 Mar 2014 7:27PM
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clarence said..

Gillianv said..

Hopefully with less ladish conversations like those above.


No offence blokes, but sailing is far more interesting.


Depends on whether you're talking ladies or lads

TAS, 52 posts
22 Mar 2014 7:30PM
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Following on from Al's problem state, ie "The complexity of theorem proving procedures" P=NP.
Up north there are only 2 states, sailing or drinking.
Easily solved, although bunny suits would have been a welcome addition to the brewery bar last night.

TAS, 2213 posts
22 Mar 2014 8:47PM
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houston said..

clarence said..

Gillianv said..

Hopefully with less ladish conversations like those above.


No offence blokes, but sailing is far more interesting.


Depends on whether you're talking ladies or lads

And with all your good natured pee-taking posts Houston, you have taken the over the mantel of Tassie's most numerous Seabreeze poster! Keep up the good work.

Rub a dub dub, 4 blokes in a pub. No wind up North I presume.

TAS, 2433 posts
22 Mar 2014 9:24PM
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4 empty little plastic cups and no one stepping up to buy the next round.

TAS, 113 posts
22 Mar 2014 9:25PM
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GoonDog said...

Following on from Al's problem state, ie "The complexity of theorem proving procedures" P=NP.
Up north there are only 2 states, sailing or drinking.
Easily solved, although bunny suits would have been a welcome addition to the brewery bar last night.

What were we doing all holding empty cups???

TAS, 3173 posts
22 Mar 2014 11:41PM
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You guys seriously drinking or just staring at a camera??

TAS, 151 posts
23 Mar 2014 12:07AM
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Your right Ant plenty of opportunity to sail... in the last year I sailed 250 times... I am still pretty useless at it... but really Ive had a ball...not such a bad way to goof your time away.

TAS, 2343 posts
23 Mar 2014 11:18AM
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alanshort said..

Your right Ant plenty of opportunity to sail... in the last year I sailed 250 times... I am still pretty useless at it... but really Ive had a ball...not such a bad way to goof your time away.

Lucky retired people. Took my retirement too early (back in my thirtys) now I'm paying for it, working long hours to make up for it. I remember the days I used to have sailing charts of where I sailed, what direction & what size gear. Think I'll be working until I'm 90 now.

TAS, 543 posts
23 Mar 2014 11:33AM
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houston said..

You guys seriously drinking or just staring at a camera??

We have some damn fine quality beers, and when those of us, so privileged, to be allowed to Enter the staff bar of Wizards, the whole point is to drink beer. Dunno what you muppets down south do - stand around staring at it?
You old buggers with bad eyes might want to click on the picture too...

TAS, 367 posts
23 Mar 2014 1:18PM
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Guess what.! There's plenty of wind to go sailing. Going to hit the water after lunch.

TAS, 367 posts
23 Mar 2014 11:00PM
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Not many on the water today, but it was windy, sunny and those on the water had a great sail.
It was about 25-27 knots and at half tide it was especially smooth.
These are a couple of Alan's photos

TAS, 267 posts
25 Mar 2014 10:46PM
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I hear that someone may have pulled the trigger on the weekend... how is the nose of the board greenie??

TAS, 193 posts
26 Mar 2014 11:47AM
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Ha ha Hamish!!
Yep pulled the trigger on a forward and smashed the nose of what was once my favourite board.
All repaired now and ready to pull the trigger again

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
26 Mar 2014 1:22PM
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GreenMachine said..

Ha ha Hamish!!
Yep pulled the trigger on a forward and smashed the nose of what was once my favourite board.
All repaired now and ready to pull the trigger again

Nice work Greeny it sounds like you need a free Severne tee shirt. There is one here at the shop for you

I also have a couple of extra tees which look a bit like Mediums and am willing to listen to reasonable and unreasonable arguments as to why anyone should get a tee (owning at least one Sevene sail is probably a prerequisite although donations of beer may be considered)

I also have some very large Starboard stickers up for grabs.

TAS, 147 posts
26 Mar 2014 2:08PM
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Hey Al
I organised that cutie reporter to come knocking on your door. Does that earn me a T shirt. I also have a BLUE Severne sail and make home brew!!

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
26 Mar 2014 2:21PM
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OldManSteve said..

Hey Al
I organised that cutie reporter to come knocking on your door. Does that earn me a T shirt. I also have a BLUE Severne sail and make home brew!!

Do I look like Miley Cyrus (Ok so there is a faint resemblance), but unlike her I despise the paparazzi!!! I wont hold this against you, there is a tee shirt waiting for you.

TAS, 267 posts
26 Mar 2014 2:26PM
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GreenMachine said...
Ha ha Hamish!!
Yep pulled the trigger on a forward and smashed the nose of what was once my favourite board.
All repaired now and ready to pull the trigger again

You are still a step in front of me then. Hopefully won't discourage the next attempt.

TAS, 543 posts
26 Mar 2014 4:14PM
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Al Planet said..
I also have some very large Starboard stickers up for grabs.

Can I reserve a large sticker for the Rosey Red Bus of our Mayor and President, and captian of the Rosey Life Saving Club - Mr Broomby

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
26 Mar 2014 4:34PM
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JohnnyHuett said..

Al Planet said..
I also have some very large Starboard stickers up for grabs.

Can I reserve a large sticker for the Rosey Red Bus of our Mayor and President, and captian of the Rosey Life Saving Club - Mr Broomby

For sure...That bus deserves a couple of stickers.

TAS, 546 posts
26 Mar 2014 5:21PM
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As it happens, I have 3 Severne Sails and would be more than willing to 'fly the flag' until the Tee is well and truly worn out (as you all know).

My average T-shirt age is about 3 years and so I would be a good investment......


And, I did encourage Greenie to stick a large, foam pillow onto the nose of his ex-favourite board, in anticipation of a few more 1/4 turns.

I think that he considered that it would look too un-cool, so he rebuilt the nose in SOLID glass / resin. That shift in C of G should make the forward rotations easier, oddly enough.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"what to do" started by Al Planet