The wind has been so reliable this summer I have forgotten what else to fills the weekend.
longboard sailing (or racing in Hobbit town)
rip the old Starboard/Severne stickers off the car and put new ones on.
count my speed fins
solve P=NP
buy a dog
sew Easter Bunny outfit
You're right Al apart from a sh.tty 3 weeks in Nov I reckon I've sailed 5 days out of 7 since I tried to retire
what can i say... ,Oh what a glorious summer,
I might go round to ANTs and count how many pubes he has grown on his balls since going up North so much.
Sunday could be windy after lunch. ! I'm keeping optimistic and my eye on the water, a sail may happen yet.
Hopefully with less ladish conversations like those above.
Gill, like you I'm deeply offended by the, as you call it, the laddish conversation above...................very childish I think.
You on the other hand are much more interesting.................ah er umm..........I mean the fact that you talk about the wind and the possibility of a sail is more the type of discussion we encourage on this forum
More on the prospects of a sail.....
The forecast peak of 14knots was actually ten knots more at 25-33 knots last night.!
Maybe Sundays forecast 20knots will be 30knots if we are lucky.
Not science but desperate sail talk. I will be watching the observations closely on Sunday.
Following on from Al's problem state, ie "The complexity of theorem proving procedures" P=NP.
Up north there are only 2 states, sailing or drinking.
Easily solved, although bunny suits would have been a welcome addition to the brewery bar last night.
Your right Ant plenty of opportunity to sail... in the last year I sailed 250 times... I am still pretty useless at it... but really Ive had a ball...not such a bad way to goof your time away.
Not many on the water today, but it was windy, sunny and those on the water had a great sail.
It was about 25-27 knots and at half tide it was especially smooth.
These are a couple of Alan's photos
I hear that someone may have pulled the trigger on the weekend... how is the nose of the board greenie??
Ha ha Hamish!!
Yep pulled the trigger on a forward and smashed the nose of what was once my favourite board.
All repaired now and ready to pull the trigger again
Hey Al
I organised that cutie reporter to come knocking on your door. Does that earn me a T shirt. I also have a BLUE Severne sail and make home brew!!
As it happens, I have 3 Severne Sails and would be more than willing to 'fly the flag' until the Tee is well and truly worn out (as you all know).
My average T-shirt age is about 3 years and so I would be a good investment......
And, I did encourage Greenie to stick a large, foam pillow onto the nose of his ex-favourite board, in anticipation of a few more 1/4 turns.
I think that he considered that it would look too un-cool, so he rebuilt the nose in SOLID glass / resin. That shift in C of G should make the forward rotations easier, oddly enough.