Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania


Created by appleman > 9 months ago, 17 Feb 2016
TAS, 443 posts
17 Feb 2016 8:25PM
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Well the stars aligned today with a good size swell and a wind that played ball for the best lunch time sail I've ever had.
Supping was the way to go in the morning with Fluro and geared for knots wacking out some heavy top to bottom carves and some paddle style.
If it wasn't for damos work related board pickups north of creek road he would of been frothing just like Simon billings,Fluro and me,sorry.
7 turns on one wave is unheard-of great 2 hours till arms fell off. Occasionally a metre and a half wave coming trough awsome.
Cremorne bar goes off !!! Every 7.5 years great day.

TAS, 2433 posts
17 Feb 2016 8:30PM
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Yep, funny how every 10 years has become every 7.5 or was it 4 or 5...... now its once or twice a year!
Well scored.....and thanks for the call

P.S from all accounts Applepoobear snaked and dropped in on Timmy (south park character and local windsurfer) on three separate waves. They were Timmy's only 3 waves. How nasty!

TAS, 443 posts
17 Feb 2016 8:39PM
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Small chance in the morning, fingers crossed.

TAS, 2646 posts
17 Feb 2016 9:05PM
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Nice work,
wish i had hung around,

TAS, 3173 posts
17 Feb 2016 10:49PM
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Fluro Appleman and Simon you're the best mates anyone could wish for, while you were getting these booorring 6 turn peerfeect rides on patheetic 2m waves we were home waiting for just a very very short illusive phone least I got one wave at the end of your session...............thanks ...................but as our preacher would say "YA MUST FARGIV MA SUN"............................

TAS, 151 posts
17 Feb 2016 11:30PM
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Yes a great day I had a 2 hr sup play at Lauderdale Pt that was nicely sheltered from the wind with only a few out
then a bit a blast on the river in a southerly on the slalom gear. Good fun doing the double.

TAS, 301 posts
17 Feb 2016 11:43PM
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...and don't let it go unnoticed that Steve recorded an amazing 2 sec av speed of 38.5 knots at Marion Bay lagoon today!

TAS, 2646 posts
18 Feb 2016 8:14AM
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The last photo shows how windy it was getting, that,s about when the Sups were swapped for wind powered wave slashing machines!!

TAS, 160 posts
18 Feb 2016 9:00AM
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And the award for the biggest kook of the year goes to non other than me. What was I thinking, or not thinking to sail outer Ralph's Bay for 2 hours whilst Cremorne sandbar was turning it on. After finishing sailing and seeing Jeza's post on WhatsApp suggesting to check out Cremorne I went into melt down. Despite 2 hours of blasting the subsequent reports on what I missed has left me severely traumatised. I will be seeking counselling to get me over this .

TAS, 2342 posts
18 Feb 2016 9:33AM
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houston said..
Fluro Appleman and Simon you're the best mates anyone could wish for, while you were getting these booorring 6 turn peerfeect rides on patheetic 2m waves we were home waiting for just a very very short illusive phone least I got one wave at the end of your session...............thanks ...................but as our preacher would say "YA MUST FARGIV MA SUN"............................

Then the phone call could have had a domino effect and we'd all be sitting here frothing instead of green with envy

WA, 991 posts
18 Feb 2016 4:07PM
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Sorry Cracker Jack I ran from supping to rig as the 25 knot southerly come in suddenly but that was in the forecast to end the most varied and best 6 days in decade;

Fri: 25 knots NE good fun swell at goats
Sat: late 30 knots but first strong southerly in weeks
Sun:howling 20/30 knots but very steady Gust free West/NW
At head to 1/2 mast Carlton jump city
Mon: first very windy westerly since Xmas
35knots good ramps
Tues: all day howling SW (30 knots)good chop on high tide for jumping
Wed: big , windy ,sunny(25/30 knots)but settie three is a crowd waves at the C bar
All this action after a very sunny 4 weeks with only one or two days above 20knots , makes for epic feeling conditions ,memories and sailboarding fun , let's hope for a repeat at Easter or sooner

WA, 991 posts
18 Feb 2016 4:18PM
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Sorry Cracker Jack I ran from supping to rig as the 25 knot southerly come in suddenly but that was in the forecast to end the most varied and best 6 days in decade;

Fri: 25 knots NE good fun swell at goats
Sat: late 30 knots but first strong southerly in weeks
Sun:howling 20/30 knots but very steady Gust free West/NW
At head to 1/2 mast Carlton jump city
Mon: first very windy westerly since Xmas
35knots good ramps
Tues: all day howling SW (30 knots)good chop on high tide for jumping
Wed: big , windy ,sunny(25/30 knots)but settie three is a crowd waves at the C bar
All this action after a very sunny 4 weeks with only one or two days above 20knots , makes for epic feeling conditions ,memories and sailboarding fun , let's hope for a repeat at Easter or sooner

TAS, 3173 posts
18 Feb 2016 10:57PM
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Fluro is so smug about keeping Cremorne to himself he makes a double post just to rub it in

WA, 991 posts
18 Feb 2016 8:16PM
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I was trying to keep dorans mon/tues quiet by not naming it as the best chop hop place in the south arm area seriously more fun per second per meter than the beach breaks;eg
The constant threat of a bullet gust slamming you at 30 knots while watching damo and buzzy spin loop at 1m off a piece of chop in a life endangering soup of bacteria and sharp oysters
Gets the adrenal glans working
Shut eyes shut mouth spin like hell
Next time ma
Could have traded it all for a crack at 12/15 foot BOL but didn't have the balls


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"yes" started by appleman