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Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

6 Brave Sir Knights take off on a Quest

Created by Old Salty > 9 months ago, 16 Apr 2012
Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
16 Apr 2012 1:56PM
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Six brave Sir Windsurfing Knights took off on their quest to travel from one end of Lake Victoria to the other - approx 120 kms - over 2 days. The crew was Matt Tonner and Adrian(RPS) - with memories of their Fiji trip still fresh in their minds and a few of the Invy Crew - Drift, Fireman Sam, Moondo and myself. After one previous attempt did not get underway due to high winds and storms the forecast last weekend looked the goods. The trusty 30 yo Jerzy Jet was packed in the van and we where off. Camped out at Hollands Landing Friday night with the locals in the Caravan Park calling us crazy but super stoked for us. Non Windsurfing friends where asking me "But Why?" Because it was there and Why Not where my standard answers. I was quietly chuffed by the reaction.

Saturday morning saw the forecast up the proverbial creek with the wind on the nose and only 1 - 5 kts. Massive burn off happening over at Loch Sport was a great back drop to the adventure. But we took off anyway. Tough going balancing a narrow longboard in little or no wind but the scenery, fishes and bird life made up for it. Also tough balancing the board coping with the banter and calls of starboard as collisions where narrowly avoided. Had massive man eating carp swimming around us and big flocks of Pelicans and Cormorants being scared off by the Pasty Pom(Adrian). Lunch on the water was an experience I had never had before with careful negiotation needed to untie my waterproof pack so as not to spill the contents into the drink. Matt unpeeling his sausage was nearly a moment that tipped us all into the water from laughing so hard. Becalmed conditions followed and after some discussion we realised that our planned overnight stay at Wattle Point was unachievable. With light fading rapidly a decision to sail to Loch Sport was made as our overnight stay. Luckily for us a 5 knot breeze glided us across the Lake and we touch land around 6.30pm to thanks from locals sipping champagne on the beach for the spectacle as they watch us sail in under the setting sun. Mick pulled a beautiful manoeuvre weaving through some old jetty poles to finish the day with a flourish.
BIG thanks to Simmo driving the support vehicle for 3 hours and avoiding bush fires and car rolling kangaroos we finally ate food around 11pm and made camp around 12pm on the beach. A great way to fall asleep with the lapping water in the background.
Sunday morning started with strange noises from the shared tent of Adrian and Matt and the trailer Roy was sleeping in developed a strange gentle rocking movement but no questions where asked over breakfast. A plan was devised to drive around to our original Sunday morning launching point of Wattle Point and assess the situation from there. Whilst the wind was promising - 5 kts there where plenty of glassy areas and it was on the nose again so the decision was made to drive to Paynesville and launch from our Finishing Point(Some would call that cheating!!). The wind had picked up to a steady 5 kts with some gusts to 10kts. A few headed around Raymond Island and out to the entrance whilst I decided to touch land on the other side not realising I ended up close to Wattle Point. On getting back Mick announced that in the hallf an hour that took me I had already covered half the distance for our planned sailing from Wattle Point. On our return Mrs. Fireman Sam was cooking up a storm on the BBQ where we had our final breaking of bread and summed up the weekend Quest. Plan for becalmed conditions just as much as stormy, pack in the Aeroguard as the mozzies where diabolical, constantly reassess your goals and always have a plan B. Our Quest had not been reached but there was an overwhelming resolve that it could be done on longboards with ease given the wind in the right direction and 5 - 10 kts.
LONBOARD TOURING ROCKS and doable on a 30 yo Jerzy Jet with a 55yo body.

Looking forward to the next "Miss Adventure" guys.

VIC, 764 posts
16 Apr 2012 2:10PM
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Awesome Report Old Salty,

Any Pics?

VIC, 605 posts
16 Apr 2012 3:25PM
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Great read Salty.

Is that a "golf ball" deck Jet you've got?

VIC, 148 posts
16 Apr 2012 4:26PM
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Nice write up Doug !

What an amazing weekend - covered bugger all nautical mileage, but still had a great couple of days with an awesome crew. Spectacular views throughout, from Hollands Landing and the great lakes, through to sailing the canal at Paynesville between all the jetskiis, Motor Cruisers and the Raymond Island Ferry...

Can't wait to see the pics and the GoPro footage !

And can't wait even more for Miss Adventure II !!

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
16 Apr 2012 4:30PM
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rps said...

Great read Salty.

Is that a "golf ball" deck Jet you've got?

Yep - Warwick - And it will be starring in the RPS Longboard Challenge next Sunday at Invy

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
16 Apr 2012 10:11PM
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Loch Ness Roy Monster

There is something to do with windsurfing in this photo!

Launching ramp Hollands Landing

Sorry not many as my camera ended up in the support vehicle that was not collected until thelast day. I am sure Mick and Tash will have a few to splash up

VIC, 134 posts
2 May 2012 8:41PM
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(Hollands Landing to Wattle Point)

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale
A tale of a fateful trip,
That started from this lakeside port,
Aboard five tiny ships.

The leader a mighty sailin' man,
An adventurer brave and sure,
Five windsurfers set their sails that day,
For a three hour tour,
A three hour tour.

The wind started getting very light,
Their tiny ships would DRIFT.
10 nautical miles away from camp,
"I think we need a lift".
"I think we need a lift".

One phone ,no lights, no motor car,
Not a single bite to eat,
Like Robinson Crusoe
It's as primitive as can be.

So join us here each week my friends,
A lesson we must teach,
From five stranded windsurfing castaways
Here on Loch Sport Beach!

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
3 May 2012 4:38PM
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More pics!!!!!


Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

"6 Brave Sir Knights take off on a Quest" started by Old Salty