Hi guys,
The event has been given a green light for this weekend. Everyone who has registered should have received their tracker details and all logistics info in their email. Please let me know if anyone has not received their emails, and also check your spam folder.
For those that are ready for tomorrow, Rig Big and go hard!
Good luck!
I know organisers have a tough call but it will be a hard slog on a windsurf board if light S 10/15 knot winds. I don't think I have big enough gear to make it in three hours in those conditions if I can't plane.
Whatever the forecasts said, the wind turned up.
Was an epic day for those that came with windsurfers finishing first and the top spots!
Best time went to Anton Vdovin arriving first and doing it in 1h 19m.
Overall reactions were extremely positive with everyone looking forward to next year!
Yes, Vic Windsurfers, get behind the event. I did it today, was a long way but I made it unscathed and stoked that I could raise some money for the Cancer Council of Victoria.
Out of interest - where was the start and where the finish? I could see the kites from Parkdale. Looked like the were quite strung out. Also, any problems with the wind. Sailing Parkdale I went from 20 knots to zero in a split second at one stage and had 10 minutes in the doldrums waiting for it to come back. Was very up and down.
It was Seaford (Keast Park) to Port Melbourne.
Here is the track of Anton who came in faster than anyone in 1h 19m.
He only tacked once in port Melbourne!
That's 34kms on a single tack. What an effort!
Wow, how did he sail that deep, I guess the big sail he had was the right choice. I sailed 11 km further than him!!!!!
Here is my track, 45.7 km but you can take a bit off that for my aborted start when I realised I forgot to put my harness on!!!! probably 45 KM
Well done Anton and Martin!
Any idea what gear (sizing etc) Anton was on?
Was sailing off Elwood that day and it was 5.8 conditions for me... couldn't really imagine being on anything too much bigger than a 7m for that part of the down winder. Awesome effort on the formula board Martin!
Well done to Anton, but had we left the beach at the same time, I think I might have been hot on his heels. The kiters didn't depart till sometime way after the windsurfers, and I tracked almost exactly the the same route in 1hour 20min. Not sure of the actual times as obviously this tracker was set incorrectly at a 12:10 start. It was an interesting start, and certainly tested everyones light wind abilities, but fun was has by all, I'm sure.
Firstly thanks to the organizer's and those involved with the safety side of things and Jerzy driving the windsurf side/involvement of it.
Well the forecast was a clanger, and was surprised that it came in with a perfect 20knots with a few stronger gusts up the top end of the bay. I was not in much of a hurry to rig with the wind playing about near the start and ended up on 8.7 KaRace and Formula I had just started riding. Had a delayed start waiting for Martin to get his harness and had lost sight of Anton out on the horizon towards Ricketts as we started about 8-10 Km behind him and Husa. No time for a practice run to tune up, boom felt a bit high at first.
The first kite took off about the same time as us tracking a bit further upwind, I got a few puffs about 500m off and got going and thought I'd hang in a patch of wind closer in and tracked in to where WasSup was giving a lesson and bumped boom down a bit and slugged back out towards Ricketts. As I got further out the wind increased and went more west and just got stronger and stronger.
By this stage was getting pretty lit, sending it deep and linking up some flat sections between the small swells with the fin whistling in the 26-27 knot range. I kept this up till Beauie YC before resorting to the chicken strap as the rear leg started getting sore bit. Got to rest leg now and felt less likely to push it too hard whilst maintaining speed around 24. Had the 8.7 outhaul on a bit as I had backed the downhaul off before we left cause it looked pretty light with 15 at the Beacon so had plenty of power.
By Green Pt was starting to feel the pain a bit and had not seen anyone so headed in there for a rest/stretch on the beach for about 5min and then relaunched. Played it safe and threw another gybe in as thought I was getting close to the channel off StKilda. Back inshore again to gybe with the legs getting a bit shakey wishing I had not put the boom down earlier. Formula Rookie!
Trying to spot the finish I had to pull a couple more turns and I was all done in a 1Hour 35min with 45km total distance.
Great effort by Anton with a perfect course, your previous several downwind expeditions realiy paying off.
Anyway would be good to see more WINDSURFERS make the effort and go thru a bit of pain in support of those that suffer so much.
KA72 Stats
2 Second Peak (kts):27.146
5x10 Average (kts):24.674
Top 5 5x10 speeds: (1)26.631
Top 5 5x10 speeds: (2)24.469
Top 5 5x10 speeds: (3)24.201
Top 5 5x10 speeds: (4)24.051
Top 5 5x10 speeds: (5)24.016
1 Hr (kts):18.73
Alpha 500 (kts):5.956
Nautical Mile (kts):24.768
100m peak (kts):26.768
Total Distance (km):45.54
Great work to everyone involved, sounds like a good result for a good cause.
Shame it's not a race - I know I'd be keen to get involved if it was..
Spotty back to the gym for some leg work big guy