Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

Day 2

Created by Al McLeod > 9 months ago, 26 Aug 2012
Al McLeod
VIC, 633 posts
26 Aug 2012 7:29PM
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Sunny, windy and wavey again for day 2!
The Gap looked pretty sloppy this morning so we ended up in the corner of Waratah bay which was cross shore in the Westerly wind. Everyone had improved a lot at getting planing, timing the sets and punching out through the whitewater which was great to see. One of the highlights of the day was Geoff's 100m ride in the critical section, awesome to see how stoked he was after that!

There will be some more pics going up on the SHQ Facebook page later as well.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
27 Aug 2012 2:14PM
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Great pics!

Some head high rollers by the looks of it!

Can I see some pics of James getting worked please?

VIC, 5000 posts
27 Aug 2012 2:44PM
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Al McLeod said... kids, here is a photo that explains 'inertia'. Whilst the moving object has suddenly become a stationary object, inertia has projected the rider forward into the wave with velocity...(whoommppff).

VIC, 203 posts
27 Aug 2012 7:15PM
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Nope sailhack ......Newton's first law of object will remain in motion unless another force acts on it. Even though the board has stopped the rider continues at the same speed as before.

VIC, 5000 posts
27 Aug 2012 9:40PM
Thumbs Up say potato - I say tomato!

VIC, 322 posts
Site Sponsor
30 Aug 2012 7:28PM
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Was a great weekend - hopefully see you all down there again 3rd - 6th November for the SHQ Melbourne Cup.

Check out this link for a write up on the Wave Clinic:


Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

"Day 2" started by Al McLeod