Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

SHQ Breakwater to Beacon ON TODAY

Created by SHQ > 9 months ago, 19 Jan 2014
VIC, 322 posts
Site Sponsor
19 Jan 2014 9:56AM
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Forecast looks great for the breakwater to beacon with 20-25knot Southerlies. See you there at 1pm to register.

For more info check:

VIC, 286 posts
19 Jan 2014 12:32PM
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Unfortunately i'm not going to make it this year. I have to work my kayak hire business here in Inverloch. I had a young bloke organised to do it, but turns out he got on the turps last night and has ended up stuck on Phillip island without a car!! (its something i would have done when i was 18 too)

Good luck to all, hope the sea breeze kicks in. Looking forward to hearing the stories and seeing photos up here later on.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
19 Jan 2014 2:14PM
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Oh dear.

There's some high stakes racing between Jerzy and Kurt... bet made on Friday night after a few coronas...

Suffice to say, Kurt has more to lose than Jerzy so sabotage him if you can.....

VIC, 286 posts
19 Jan 2014 7:35PM
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Sooo? Did foxy notch up win #100ish?? Any updates, looks the wind was good.

mr love
VIC, 2352 posts
19 Jan 2014 8:45PM
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Isaac won, well done. Foxy second, Spotti third.

VIC, 3399 posts
19 Jan 2014 8:46PM
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I believe A young Tassie might have won, someone removed their fin box on the reef and two very fast flat water sailors from the west couldn't cope with chop ;) Wish I was there :( well done everyone sounded like a lot of fun

pedro e
VIC, 257 posts
19 Jan 2014 10:01PM
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Well done Isaak!! Makes it worth the trip over. Great to see you and Anthony again.

Yes, a few flat water prima donnas today, myself included...

TAS, 1973 posts
19 Jan 2014 10:02PM
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What a wild race, full of many moments... Flat out racing in choppy conditions! Awesome fun! SHQ will have the write up soon

VIC, 286 posts
19 Jan 2014 10:15PM
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Well done Izaac, sounds like i missed a great race, what about the more important result...

Who won out of Kurt & Jerzy??

TAS, 1992 posts
19 Jan 2014 10:17PM
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Well done Izaak - GO TASSIE !!! Great effort.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
19 Jan 2014 10:18PM
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Thanks SHQ for another memorable and fun event.

TAS, 172 posts
19 Jan 2014 10:22PM
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Good on you Izaak, congratulations

TAS, 3173 posts
19 Jan 2014 10:33PM
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Fantastic effort Izaak!!!!!!!!!!

VIC, 873 posts
19 Jan 2014 10:52PM
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Well done to all competitors and great effort Izaak, thanks SHQ.
That really was the bay at its best!

VIC, 1579 posts
19 Jan 2014 11:16PM
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A great afternoon on the bay.
Thanks to SHQ for all there efforts again, not only in organising the race but for the social time afterwards.
It's nice to get home and sit back in the recliner!!

I liked the variation in the course this year with the extra jibe marks.

Congrats to Izaak on his win as well as to all who had a crack at it.

VIC, 58 posts
20 Jan 2014 10:15AM
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Fantastic event. Thanks again SHQ.

Awesome seeing so many sails on the water!

VIC, 5477 posts
20 Jan 2014 7:06PM
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Super effort Isaac.

Wish I was there but alas, a trip to WA left three holes in my board thanks to the airport chuckers. Next time!

VIC, 55 posts
20 Jan 2014 9:25PM
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A big thanks to SHQ and well done to Isaac.

VIC, 136 posts
20 Jan 2014 10:49PM
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Fantastic event! Thanks to Fletch and Hudson (and James in the boat). The course was great (the extra gybes were fun) and everyone was ripping along in crazy rough seas. If you haven't been in the event before try and come along next time for what is a great day of windsurfing.

VIC, 1506 posts
21 Jan 2014 1:59PM
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Yeah, great event SHQ. It was my first race ever despite having sailed for about six years more than the race winner has been alive, and it was more fun than I imagined.
Good to put some faces to avatars over a beer and a snag too.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
23 Jan 2014 2:22PM
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Photos courtesy of Simon Buryat - thanks Simon.

VIC, 136 posts
23 Jan 2014 10:03PM
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VIC, 322 posts
Site Sponsor
31 Jan 2014 11:46AM
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Thanks everyone - we're stoked everyone seemed to have a great time. Check out the results and full event wrap below:


Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

"SHQ Breakwater to Beacon ON TODAY" started by SHQ