IWC is hosting this years SHQ Cup weekend.
The program has been determined with flexibility in mind to match conditions with the event.
The only fixed events will be
Registration 10am - 12pm Saturday morning at the Angling Club
Come n Try for beginners on Saturday afternoon 1 - 3pm,
BBQ Dinner 6.30pm - 11.30pm Saturday night.
The rest of the events will be floating depending on the conditions
A "Whats Going On" event board will be set up every day at the Angling Club to keep you informed of where we are and what we are doing. Events will be run Saturday, Sunday and Monday
SHQ Cup Windsurfers take note, a big shout out to the INVERLOCH Foreshore Camping Reserve / BIG 4 Holiday Park with Cabins or Camping sites for the Caravan / Tent. I have booked a site with access to the HOT showers after a big day out on the water. Phone 03 5674 1236
Greetings All,
Tickets can be pre purchased on the IWC Website for the event and BBQ Saturday Night
Direct link to payment page. Ask if you cannot understand the categories. Weather is looking reasonable at this stage. Plenty of equipment will be available for beginners plus lessons on Sat Arvo. Thanks to SHQ for the BBQ night prizes.
Forecast is looking great
Saturday 20 kts WSW
Sunday 12 - 15 kts W
Monday 12 - 15 kts W
Looks like we will be Racing Saturday putting back the Come and Try to Sunday morning
Saturday night dinner organised 6.30 - 11.30 and BYO drinks
Book online or Saturday morning at The Anderson Inlet Angling Club
SHQ are packing in some foils for demonstration. Who is up for it? I am guessing Pete Nathan will be first inline.
Registration at the Anderson Inlet Angling Club 10am - 12pm
Forecast winds of 20kts westerly for most of Saturday.
Kato will be running some course racing at Area 45 - Mahers Landing Rd in the morning and I will be running some GPS racing in the afternoon
Event central - Anderson Inlet Angling Club will have a blackboard of events and were we are.
BBQ - Saturday night with plenty of giveaways Angling Club 6.30pm
Come n Try Windsurfing(Free thanks to a community grant from Bass Coast Shire) Sunday morning 10 - 12
Sunday arvo and Monday events will be set according to the conditions and put up on the notice boards at the Angling Club
Tickets can be purchased online via the link in the above posts or at registration Saturday morning. We have wind. Woo hoo lets hit the water
I'll run what ever people want to race. I do have some ideas to suit all levels of equipment and skill that will level out the comp. Fun guaranteed and there will be prize money
It may be possible for a sail in Western Port on Sunday or Monday by current forecast. Lovely drive to a different area, bit more rugged, but still pleasant. See how it plays out....
Thanks everyone . Thats how a windsurfing weekend away should be run and participated in. Enough wind turned up for everyone at the correct time and enjoyed the stroke of windsurfing. I'm stuffed
Yes thanks to IWC & SHQ for having a cup weekend event to meet up sail and have fun, thanks also noted to Bass Shire and also SHQ again for some great prizes in particular the foil that went to someone who had destroyed some gear in the windy conditions.
BBQ was a feast followed by a bakers desert spread to appettise the hungriest speed sailors searching for that extra knot or two.
The salads were not to be out done either satisfying the wave n freestylers watching their waist harnesse size.
Disappointed I wasn't able to make it, sounded like a great event. Would be interested in seeing some photos of the action.