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Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

Wave sailing social day: this Sunday

Created by Al McLeod > 9 months ago, 31 Dec 2015
Al McLeod
VIC, 633 posts
31 Dec 2015 3:07PM
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So we have had some interest! We've decided to run things Sunday afternoon at Woolamai starting 12pm.
We will kick off with a bit of on-beach theory and then get on the water. We will post updates here on Seabreeze and also have a text message update service going on so please get in touch to sign up for that.

Conditions look good with 2-3ft of swell, incoming tide through the afternoon and solid SE-ESE wind. If for whatever reason Woolamai isn't good (unlikely) we can use Inverloch as a back up option about 25 minutes away.

Bring some friends - let's do this!

Shark Slayer
VIC, 56 posts
2 Jan 2016 5:40PM
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Just been for a walk to Woollies , looks good , swell 2-3 foot , should be good tomorrow arvo as the south easterly wind builds up

Al McLeod
VIC, 633 posts
2 Jan 2016 9:23PM
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Was good fun today. Wind ended up around 25 knots in the evening. Swell should be a bit smaller tomorrow with a bit more wind. Will update in the morning with a more concrete plan.

Al McLeod
VIC, 633 posts
3 Jan 2016 10:18AM
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Conditions update. Swell has dropped overnight and is now into the shoulder high range. Wind currently about 20 +knots ESE, likely to get stronger later. Mostly sunny. We will probably sail at the Anzac car park (first one at Woolamai). Will send another update before 12.

Al McLeod
VIC, 633 posts
3 Jan 2016 11:33AM
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Update: we are going to the second carpark. There is a nice left handed peeling into a deep rip. Upwind of the flags. Anzacs has a bit less wind and the rip is messing things up.

VIC, 286 posts
3 Jan 2016 12:56PM
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On my way from Invy- no swell here messy out the back. Just did the change over with the little one to my wife. See you soon.

VIC, 266 posts
4 Jan 2016 9:14AM
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Thanks Al and Jonno for running the clinic yesterday. Despite the tricky wind conditions, it was great to get your advice and feedback throughout the afternoon. Very different to just surfing. It was a challenging afternoon but a good experience.

VIC, 851 posts
4 Jan 2016 11:18AM
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baywavebill said...
Thanks Al and Jonno for running the clinic yesterday. Despite the tricky wind conditions, it was great to get your advice and feedback throughout the afternoon. Very different to just surfing. It was a challenging afternoon but a good experience.

I second that! Thanks guys for putting the day together. There must have been more than twenty sailors out in the waves and the numbers gave a confidence boost for us wave noobs to get out amongst it.

Great effort! Looking forward to the next one : )

VIC, 1508 posts
4 Jan 2016 11:55AM
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I third that. It's great to have highly experienced, and approachable, sailors to learn from, as well as mixing it with a great crew of varying skill levels. I also learn a lot from watching less experienced sailors, comparing what they do (that might look wrong) to what I think I do (that hopefully is right). Only the GoPro tells no lies.

Look forward to another session.

VIC, 190 posts
4 Jan 2016 3:19PM
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Yer cheers from me as well I really enjoyed the day and very much hope that its done again.

Al McLeod
VIC, 633 posts
4 Jan 2016 9:15PM
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Thanks everyone for coming - was a good day. I checked the wind graph and it was swinging between E-ESE which explains why it was a bit challenging. SE-ESE wind makes things much easier. I was really happy with the turn out and it was great to see a lot of people progressing quite quickly in only a few hours. Definitely think we will organise more of these in the future, probably in varying locations. I'll get some photos up here once I've got my hands on them.

VIC, 121 posts
5 Jan 2016 4:56PM
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It was great to see everyone on Sunday, heaps of fun...can't wait for the next one!

Here are some photos from Saturday and Sunday... I will load more up on to FB tonight (details to follow in a second message)

VIC, 121 posts
5 Jan 2016 9:35PM
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I have just finished editing the photos from the weekend...

We (my girlfriend stayed on the beach to take the photos) have posted the photos on our Facebook page (due to the number of photos - 91), however if I read the posting rules we cannot share the direct link...

We are not trying to promote the fb page, just share some of the fun from the weekend... if you are keen to have a look and you are on FB please look up Leashed Photography and look for the Woolamai Jan 2-3 photos...

Added a couple of photos below to show even the good guys don't always end their rides as planned.... Thanks Al and Jonathan for organising the day!!!

VIC, 236 posts
6 Jan 2016 8:11AM
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Great to hear Bill thanks for the feedback and look forward to better conditions next one stay tuned

VIC, 236 posts
6 Jan 2016 8:25AM
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rick77 said...
I have just finished editing the photos from the weekend...

We (my girlfriend stayed on the beach to take the photos) have posted the photos on our Facebook page (due to the number of photos - 91), however if I read the posting rules we cannot share the direct link...

We are not trying to promote the fb page, just share some of the fun from the weekend... if you are keen to have a look and you are on FB please look up Leashed Photography and look for the Woolamai Jan 2-3 photos...

Added a couple of photos below to show even the good guys don't always end their rides as planned.... Thanks Al and Jonathan for organising the day!!!

Great photos makes the effort all worth it thanks to all for coming over to my neck of the woods promise to deliver more next time was pretty run down when you all hit town but the inspiration to charge up for this is inspiring probably good to get some names to faces in some sort of data base so we can start solid haha big thanks to Wind and also shout out to Rick And Sarah for providing great shots awesome job guys

VIC, 666 posts
9 Jan 2016 10:44PM
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Good work. Count me in if you do it again. I was on a cruise so I couldnt come. Bugger...

VIC, 236 posts
11 Jan 2016 9:32AM
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Sweet no prob just sent you email haha ????

VIC, 230 posts
11 Jan 2016 12:50PM
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Aargh! Wish I'd looked at the forum before NYE! Looks awesome. I was down at Waratah Bay and sailed all day on a 4.5 then a 4m in the afternoon. But the waves were nowhere near this good.

If there's another one planned, I'd be keen for the drive down.


Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

"Wave sailing social day: this Sunday" started by Al McLeod