Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

86L Wave Slate vs 84L Jp FSW question.

Created by Maddlad > 9 months ago, 11 Sep 2019
WA, 899 posts
11 Sep 2019 4:29PM
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i haven't done much wave sailing at all, mainly slalom racing and foiling, so I thought I'd ask for experienced wave sailors opinions.

I have an older JP FSW 84 litre board that I've used for wave sailing, and I was wondering whether the 86litre JP Wave Slate would be a better board to upgrade to or whether they're two different things? If I do any wave sailing it will be in Perth or Mandurah.


3939 posts
12 Sep 2019 2:26AM
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If you want shorter, snappier turns, look at slate.
Long, drawn out, stick with what you got.

WA, 899 posts
12 Sep 2019 10:05AM
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Thanks Lee.

1275 posts
12 Sep 2019 10:19AM
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+1 what year is your fsw?

WA, 899 posts
12 Sep 2019 1:34PM
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Manuel7 said..
+1 what year is your fsw?

No no idea really Manuel, but it's an older version. It's white with the orange and grey or black stripes on it.

WA, 899 posts
12 Sep 2019 1:37PM
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This one. The sail is different now

Mark _australia
WA, 22871 posts
12 Sep 2019 3:23PM
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Oh wow

verrrryyy different then.

Yours is the age where they were the most "freeridey" of the FSW boards so a Slate will be far more turny and such, possibly less comfy for fully lit in chop.

Given the very large difference I'd say try and ride a "normal" 2015-onwards FSW, and a stubby like the Slate, before you pull he trigger on that buy.

TAS, 443 posts
12 Sep 2019 5:36PM
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LeeD said..
If you want shorter, snappier turns, look at slate.
Long, drawn out, stick with what you got.

Now that's what I'm talking about.
Nice answer Leed.
Now your learning.
You old Yank Tank

WA, 899 posts
13 Sep 2019 10:05AM
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Mark _australia said..
Oh wow

verrrryyy different then.

Yours is the age where they were the most "freeridey" of the FSW boards so a Slate will be far more turny and such, possibly less comfy for fully lit in chop.

Given the very large difference I'd say try and ride a "normal" 2015-onwards FSW, and a stubby like the Slate, before you pull he trigger on that buy.

Ok thanks Mark. I just saw one come up for a good price so I thought it might be a good chance to upgrade to something newer, but didn't want to do that if it was going to take me backwards.

Mark _australia
WA, 22871 posts
13 Sep 2019 3:35PM
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I would not say backwards. In wave riding and not crazy overpowered you would find it really takes you forwards. Its just a Slate will be much more wave biased than what you have. Having both could be nice.
Just that it will be a very different feel so try and demo if you can I reckon.
IMHO..... its a feel thing so don't let me deter you

1275 posts
13 Sep 2019 5:52PM
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It'll be very different. More technical to plane and sail along in lighter winds, sharper snappier turns on a wave. Does your current board feels harsh over chop?

NSW, 471 posts
13 Sep 2019 8:38PM
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The main difference is that the FSW would do longer more sweeping turns, where as the slate would do slashier turns but more off the back foot. I'd get a slightly older Goya quad, those board just work in any sort of waves and suit back or front foot turns.

WA, 899 posts
14 Sep 2019 7:52AM
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Manuel7 said..
It'll be very different. More technical to plane and sail along in lighter winds, sharper snappier turns on a wave. Does your current board feels harsh over chop?

Cheers Manuel. No not really, I use it as a high wind board in choppy water at times when it's 25 or 30 plus. I've now got a 95 Carve for I high wind blaster so I probably wouldn't use the fsw for that anymore.

WA, 899 posts
14 Sep 2019 7:54AM
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Madge said..
The main difference is that the FSW would do longer more sweeping turns, where as the slate would do slashier turns but more off the back foot. I'd get a slightly older Goya quad, those board just work in any sort of waves and suit back or front foot turns.

Thanks for your input Madge.

1275 posts
16 Sep 2019 12:57AM
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Or Tabou pocket or more recent jp fsw. Let us know of other shapes you run into.

WA, 899 posts
16 Sep 2019 6:58AM
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Thanks Manuel. I'd be mainly looking at JP, but I'll probably stick with what I've got if I don't get the slate.

3939 posts
17 Sep 2019 4:11AM
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Love/hate the Edge.
When you go full powered flat water jibe on the Edge, that ear forward of center STICKS in the water, at 25mph, good luck staying up after that.

NSW, 1351 posts
17 Sep 2019 8:51AM
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I'd suggest the JP thruster quad 84. (def not the radical)
It hasn't changed since about 2015.
It would be the best step to a more wave orientated board from a FSW.
I wouldn't recommend going newschool wave unless your happy on a more trad shape.
or is your money is a bit low, try any of the JP thruster range from 2011 onwards.

WA, 899 posts
17 Sep 2019 7:57AM
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Bertie said..
I'd suggest the JP thruster quad 84. (def not the radical)
It hasn't changed since about 2015.
It would be the best step to a more wave orientated board from a FSW.
I wouldn't recommend going newschool wave unless your happy on a more trad shape.
or is your money is a bit low, try any of the JP thruster range from 2011 onwards.

Thanks for your input Bertie. :)

Mark _australia
WA, 22871 posts
18 Sep 2019 6:44PM
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^^^ but not the 2014 and 2015 (??) thruster quads (black/orange stripey) unless very lightly used....... structural defects.

WA, 899 posts
19 Sep 2019 9:13AM
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Thanks Mark. The only thing that's going at the moment that's in a price that's suitable to me is the Wave Slate. I can't find any recent thrusters or fsw for a similar price (sub $700) at the moment. I don't wave sail enough to justify another grand plus on a board I hardly use, I've got enough of those already.

NSW, 323 posts
23 Sep 2019 3:05PM
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Maddlad said..
Thanks Mark. The only thing that's going at the moment that's in a price that's suitable to me is the Wave Slate. I can't find any recent thrusters or fsw for a similar price (sub $700) at the moment. I don't wave sail enough to justify another grand plus on a board I hardly use, I've got enough of those already.

This could be worth a look for you???

The pic shows a 78, but the add is for an 82 - it might actually be an 85, as I couldn't find any info on an 82, looked like it was done in 78, 85, 92???. Anyway, I reckon it would be a pretty fun board and the price is insane for a brand new board, and only a few years old. So as long as its not a 78 it could definitely be worth a look.

Found this blurb on it:

Global Onshore All-around Wave Fast and easy to ride, this new line of wave boards channels all the development of the pro-level Hardline into an accessible, all-around package for an intermediate-to-advanced skillset. Squared-off and compact-with a wider nose and tail-this responsive thruster design features a wide sweet spot and great stability. The Global is the most versatile Naish waveboard, delivering the necessary planing power to excel in everything from lightwind to the toughest onshore conditions, while retaining the playfulness and speed to feel natural in a wide variety of wave conditions.Compact, Parallel Outline = Fast acceleration + early planing + tight maneuverability V Bottom Shape w/Increased V out the Tail = Better releaseDefined Rail Tuck = Better release for early planing & speed Thinned-out Rails in Tail Section = Maximizes grip & controlErgonomic Foot Straps = Comfortable fit + easy adjustmentHigh Density Footpads = Excellent board feelThruster MFC Fin Setup = Outstanding trim range + precision board controlUS Box = Adjustable fin positioning

EDIT, I found the specs, so I'm guessing it is an 85?

WA, 899 posts
23 Sep 2019 2:54PM
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Thanks Big Daz.

3939 posts
24 Sep 2019 3:15AM
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Adv sports maui. 2016 rental wave slate 83 for $295.

WA, 899 posts
24 Sep 2019 8:20AM
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LeeD said..
Adv sports maui. 2016 rental wave slate 83 for $295.

Thanks mate but I live in Australia and won't be anywhere near Maui in the future. I'm sure I can try this one I'm looking at before I buy it if I ask. :)

WA, 899 posts
2 Oct 2019 11:20AM
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I ended up buying a brand new 2017 version of the Wave Slate coz the price was too good to pass up. Hopefully I can get it into some waves soon. Cheers for everyone's input. :)

944 posts
2 Oct 2019 6:46PM
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Congratulations, let us know how it works out for you.

Damn , now we won't have further opportunities to make fun of LeeD's spurious posts.

3939 posts
3 Oct 2019 12:29AM
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Hey, 295 is not bad and 300 shipping to land of Oz.....

3939 posts
3 Oct 2019 12:30AM
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Hey, 295 is not bad and 300 shipping to land of Oz.....

176 posts
3 Oct 2019 7:03AM
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LeeD said..
Hey, 295 is not bad and 300 shipping to land of Oz.....

Almost $1000 AU for a 3 year old rental board from Maui.....


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"86L Wave Slate vs 84L Jp FSW question." started by Maddlad