Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

East Coast Wave gear sizing recommendations for 100kg/6'4"

Created by bidds 6 months ago, 6 Sep 2024
2 posts
6 Sep 2024 5:25AM
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Grateful for 'minimal kit' sizing recommendations from similar sized sailors.
What volume would you use for a single board?
What would be the first sail size to get if you only have the one? The second? Maybe a third?

I've been thinking 120-125 litres, a 5.5, then a 6.5, then maybe a 4.5. Or maybe just a 6, then a 5. (Sail sizes are indicative, not worried about 0.2m here or there)

I'll be sailing mostly South Coast NSW between Jervis Bay and Tuross, but also Port Macquarie and up to SE QLD. Good sailor on slalom/race gear and comfortable with planing gybes and short board tacks but never sailed a real wave board. Want to get into the waves to turn, jump and will also practice stuff on flat water; want easy planing but also happy to slog for turns. (Not worried about it being a super fast free ride magic blasting bump n jump type of thing)


QLD, 605 posts
6 Sep 2024 8:43AM
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110L waveboard and a 5.5

NSW, 46 posts
6 Sep 2024 4:20PM
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I think your 120 - 125 volume is about right, when starting in waves, extra volume (& width) gives you more mobility around the break, you will get more waves and progress faster. You will be less tormented by the lack of wind on the east coast with extra volume.

Can't comment on the ideal sail size as I am about 80kg and not as tall but I do spend more time on my 5.6 in summer than I would like.

2 posts
7 Sep 2024 2:12PM
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Thank you !

WA, 3481 posts
8 Sep 2024 12:31AM
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I'd recommend something like a 113 Severne Pyro with a 5.7 sail. Try and go for one of the lighter sails on the market like the Severne Blade Pros or 3d printed North Sails.

I found going bigger than 5.7 has diminishing returns and only get's in the way when wave sailing.

Haven't seen too many 125 liter wave boards that work well as a wave board.

226 posts
8 Sep 2024 4:21AM
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5.7 sail is much nicer than a 6.2 sail, Goya one is a nice FSW in bigger sizes.

940 posts
8 Sep 2024 10:01AM
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Kode 125 L is a surprisingly good wave board.

NSW, 314 posts
9 Sep 2024 11:55AM
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My 2 cents as I was 100kg and surf and sail the east coast. 5.5 meter/5.3-meter sail and 105/110 Litre board. I've used a 106 L Quatro quad for a long time, now just riding 99L Quatro pyramid. 5-10 Litre more than weight, even in gusty big beach break conditions is plenty. If your new the bigger the board is better, I never had much more of a benefit going too large. I mostly now use 4.7/5.0/5.3 on 106/99L boards, my weight is now 95 Kg without wet suit. Goya 110L and Quatro 106L both awesome boards. Maybe OES custom, from SA, or Carbon art NZ, both could shape a one board option that suits you perfectly.

NSW, 190 posts
12 Sep 2024 10:16AM
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I'm 92-100kgs(depends on beer consumption!) and 6'3" tall and sail longreef, wanda, Gerroa & WA mainly and used to frequent Maui in my younger years.
I started wavesailing on a 90lt board and 5.7m sail. I found it a little small when wind light and harder to catch waves. I changed up to a 100lt board and 6.2/5.3/4.7m sails and have used them ever since. Its easy to catch waves but still not too big when the wind picks up.
I have an 86lt board for when it gets over 20ish knots.
I did get a nude custom quad which is 120lt for really light wind days when the waves are good. i find my 100lt board actually planes faster than this board as the 120lt has a fair bit of tail kick.
My 86 and 100lt are both SSD keel quads and have had them for years. they are tough and plane well and truck upwind well too. Not as loose as previous 100lt nude twin but a happy compromise overall. Plenty of other brands earlier.
I have been using Blades for years now and work really well for bigger guys with plenty of power but also don't pull you over the front when you bottom turn.
Also if you coming from bay gear, make sure you have your foot straps big enough so you can get your feet all the way in for your bottom turns.
You want just enough volume to get out and to be able to catch the waves but once you are on the wave you will want less!
I'll be down at Gerroa late Jan for a few weeks if you want a go on my gear and also wazza and Jase J have some big gear too.
Cheers Rob

10 posts
14 Sep 2024 3:50AM
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75kg, 52yo, 30+ years windsurfing, lots of coastal sailing in small, mushy waves with lots of current. My 114 liter Goya C4 and 5.7 Banzai get a lot of use, especially in summer thermal winds (13 to 20knts). Have been using a 6.3 Banzai, too, and recently bought an Eclipse in the same size as the Banzai is pretty beat up (second most used sail behind 5.7). Given your size, I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Goya Banzai Max (aka Eclipse) or Banzai Pro X in a 6.3. They are really nice sails and the boom length in the bigger sizes seems shorter than most of the 6.2s I've seen from other sailmakers.
(using the 114 Goya C4 and 6.3 Banzai here:



Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"East Coast Wave gear sizing recommendations for 100kg/6'4"" started by bidds