Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

Ignore the rocks

Created by whyner > 9 months ago, 16 Jan 2017
NSW, 762 posts
16 Jan 2017 10:58PM
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playing Russian roulette with the fin and rocks

NSW, 688 posts
17 Jan 2017 12:31PM
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'George's reef'...

You seem pretty relaxed given your intimate knowledge of that rock shelf!

1972 posts
19 Jan 2017 3:05AM
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Caution often heeded at a place we sail that we call "the Asteroid belt", but the odds get slimmer the more you sail there.
The odds went against me one day, got pitched off the top of a wave, was concerned about my stuff, so I pushed off so that it didn't hit any rocks, I was successful at that. But only that, I landed on a rock, hit it like a sack of ice, landing on the side of my harness, it left me seeing stars, a sudden stop can do that to you, it was rather painful.
Got home, took a shower and saw the beginnings of a bruise, no big surprise, but when I got out of bed the next day, this is what I saw, remember this was thru a harness and a wetsuit!


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"Ignore the rocks" started by whyner