Few cards being played close to the chest heeeee
Big ball swell big ball wind big ball locals heeeeee
See yous there big ballsssssssssssssssssss heeeee
Pick up 52
Thanks to the organisers and sponsors for another top event in challenging conditions.
Special thanks to the jet ski guys from SLSWA who gave me a lift back in after equipment failure.
Awesome performance all round in the finals of the 2016 Final Trim Bobcats Margaret River Wave Classic!
Elite 1. Ricky Vandertoorn 2. Ash Nicol 3. Moritz Mauch
Open 1. Ian Pott 2. Pete Tomsett 3. Grahame Pullen
Women 1. Jane Seman 2. Birgit Reiger 3. Yukari Newman
Masters 1. Andrew Lang 2. Mick Steffan 3. Justin Stock
The elite final was an aerial fest! Ricky going hard.
Comp start 12 15 gusty s se arvo 15 to20 se
Monday ittis Just got beaten up worse than being in the traffic on Monday morming at boaties sort off heeee
Sunday session very light but clean as a whistle
Sorry doods bit light on for photos ............think was TMS photography took heap
Congratulations KOP (Andrew) on winning the Legends! Ya still got it mate! Never forget you helped our 11yo son at Corro's back in the late 90's!! (when ya had that little caravan kiosk there), before they ruined the place for windsurf campers, last 3 or 4 times I went I couldn't get a camping spot so haven't been back for about 8 years.
Good to see you up there Langy, great to see the point full of sails instead of kites for once.
Maybe one day I'll grow a pair and get out there.
Yep great effort Kai ,,now your oldman can get you that new mast to go with those new sails you want
Not to bad Kai for ya first event. He was a little under done on his kit and was unlucky not getting that wave! and ending up in the impact zone.I Was to busy being the caddy daddy and i missed my heat,no excuses but just as well for the top 3 masters
Amazing how many faces come out the woodwork for these events. Good stuff and well organised.