Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Abrohlos trip 2015 (a perfect chrissy gift 4 u)

Created by Gerowaterboy > 9 months ago, 5 Dec 2015
WA, 143 posts
5 Dec 2015 8:01AM
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There is still time to get your spot on the greatest weekend of your life, leaves gero harbour 8pm Friday 18th, returns Monday 28th in the late arvo. Last year provided epic conditions, heaps of big fish, laughs and more meat than you can physically stuff into yourself 3 times a day. contact Mick Steffan on 0r ring him on 0466414321.

WA, 143 posts
5 Dec 2015 8:03AM
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sorry not 28th but that would be cool, meant 21st dec.

2 posts
6 Dec 2015 7:04AM
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What's Cost Of trip
.how many on board. Any links for details?
where you stay. Sailing?Fishing? Diving?
more info man

WA, 143 posts
6 Dec 2015 6:40PM
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Hey Broggas the trip takes about 24 people from all water sports, some years kayak fisherman have jumped onboard as well. the mornings are usually spent with fishing, spear fishing surfing or snorkelling depending on the weather, arvo hopefully hit half moon reef, which is a 300m perfect wave peeling down a reef if it's a southerly with a bit of swell, last year saw mast high bombs coming thru and 35 knots. evenings can get pretty loose with beers meat and fishing rods out the back 2 yrs ago we got hit by massive sambos all night, great fun on snapper rods. the boat is a massive boheamoth called the island leader, normally a boat to transfer crays from abrohlos to gero.
Mick is the main man who does a great job organizing everything heaps of food byo drinks. I think I pd $560 this year, it went up a little bit but is worth every cent, a 3 day fishing charter out to that beautiful part of the world that most will never see costs around $1300. I've been last 5 yrs and wouldn't miss it for the world.

WA, 491 posts
6 Dec 2015 7:26PM
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WA, 42 posts
7 Dec 2015 10:06AM
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All booked up and ready to go....come on every one book your self an early Christmas present with waves like this why wouldn't you go?

WA, 143 posts
7 Dec 2015 6:00PM
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photos from last year, big wind big waves big fish (little boat, big men)

8266 posts
8 Dec 2015 4:04PM
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Wow looks epic...I'd be keen as for a trip like this once I become at least intermediate/average at wind surfing


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Abrohlos trip 2015 (a perfect chrissy gift 4 u)" started by Gerowaterboy