Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Advice for beginner in Perth

Created by hellsjanitor > 9 months ago, 8 Sep 2019
3 posts
8 Sep 2019 4:40AM
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Hey guys,
I'm heading to Oz on a working Holiday Visa and really want to pick up kitesurfing and/or windsurfing!

My main question is do yall have any recommendations on cities/towns ( small cities/towns preferably) on the west coast that have good winds for learning as well as not require a car to get to the beach? If they have good surf too that would be a huge plus. I need to take a few lessons as well so any recommendations on schools would be appreciated as well.

Also, is the cost of used gear for both roughly the same? and I have been looking on gumtree, are there any other sites yall recommend?

Any other general advice would be appreciated as well. I arrive on the 11th super stoked


Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
8 Sep 2019 9:35AM
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I'd say book some WS lessons through Second Wind in Attadale before you look at used gear. Most of Gumtree will be very old stuff that is not for learners at all, or expert stuff. Once you've had a lesson and see what you need then ask here and look at the B&S section here.
After a couple of lessons I may be able to get a cheap learner board for you.

Surprisingly, for a place thats amazing for windsports, WA no longer has any centres on the beach for hire and/or lessons its a real shame. You won't get hire gear and lessons outside of Perth and that's a bit sad.

But sorry if you're in Perth you're going to want a car. Maybe to get a couple of lessons windsurfing then public transport will do initially, but proper surf is quite a drive.

WA, 7491 posts
8 Sep 2019 12:05PM
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Talk to Sonya at Westozkiteboarding and you can rent accomodation, hire kite gear and get lessons in walking distance. Windsurfing is not that popular over here anymore. Sort of old mans pursuit apart from high end wave riders.

WA, 3227 posts
8 Sep 2019 12:21PM
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hilly said..
Talk to Sonya at Westozkiteboarding and you can rent accomodation, hire kite gear and get lessons in walking distance. Windsurfing is not that popular over here anymore. Sort of old mans pursuit apart from high end wave riders.


whatever lets you sleep at night.

WA, 7491 posts
8 Sep 2019 4:53PM
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Subsonic said..

hilly said..
Talk to Sonya at Westozkiteboarding and you can rent accomodation, hire kite gear and get lessons in walking distance. Windsurfing is not that popular over here anymore. Sort of old mans pursuit apart from high end wave riders.


whatever lets you sleep at night.

Not just WA either

WA, 797 posts
8 Sep 2019 5:49PM
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Only as expensive as you make it .High end carbon booms are exy but last an eternity .Kite sticks with string aren't exactly cheap.

WA, 3227 posts
8 Sep 2019 5:52PM
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hilly said..

Subsonic said..

hilly said..
Talk to Sonya at Westozkiteboarding and you can rent accomodation, hire kite gear and get lessons in walking distance. Windsurfing is not that popular over here anymore. Sort of old mans pursuit apart from high end wave riders.


whatever lets you sleep at night.

Not just WA either

Windsurfing=oldmans sport/in decline. Got it.

WA, 7491 posts
8 Sep 2019 7:51PM
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Subsonic said..

hilly said..

Subsonic said..

hilly said..
Talk to Sonya at Westozkiteboarding and you can rent accomodation, hire kite gear and get lessons in walking distance. Windsurfing is not that popular over here anymore. Sort of old mans pursuit apart from high end wave riders.


whatever lets you sleep at night.

Not just WA either

Windsurfing=oldmans sport/in decline. Got it.

?? look at windsurfing sales. Mate I sailed for 20 years I feel your pain so sad to see it's decline. Maybe wings will renew interest.

WA, 3227 posts
8 Sep 2019 8:19PM
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hilly said..

Subsonic said..

hilly said..

Subsonic said..

hilly said..
Talk to Sonya at Westozkiteboarding and you can rent accomodation, hire kite gear and get lessons in walking distance. Windsurfing is not that popular over here anymore. Sort of old mans pursuit apart from high end wave riders.


whatever lets you sleep at night.

Not just WA either

Windsurfing=oldmans sport/in decline. Got it.

?? look at windsurfing sales. Mate I sailed for 20 years I feel your pain so sad to see it's decline. Maybe wings will renew interest.

Theres a few interesting posts in the link you should probably read. Windsurfing's not what it was 20/30 years ago, i'll certainly give you that. But if you think kiting is still on the way up, and windsurfings on the way down, you're dreaming.

It's great to enjoy your chosen sport, and there's no pain felt here. Im extremely glad to be windsurfing. But don't jump on and write BS and crap on windsurfing on a windsurfing forum.

OP, if you decide to give windsurfing a go, 2nd wind in Attadale is the way to go. Jez does lessons through summer at melville beach and i believe he rents gear (that you take away and use). As suggested its best to hire a car or buy cheap. The stronger wind is up north (lancelin or as far north as geraldton). But if you are learning, whichever you choose perth/safety bay are great spots to learn and sail. Safety bay which is 50km south of perth, has a kite shop that also does lessons, and its a great place to sail. Feel free to pm me if you need more info. If you decide to go with kitesurfing, theres a kiting newbies and a WA forum in the forum drop down menu above. They'll be able to fill you in better there.

Apologies for turning your post into a bit of an arguement.

happy travels.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
8 Sep 2019 10:38PM
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hilly said.. ?? look at windsurfing sales. Mate I sailed for 20 years I feel your pain so sad to see it's decline. Maybe wings will renew interest.

A common (and unfortunate) opinion from those who sailed on narrow low volume crap boards n stuff.
Modern gear is amazing. Windsurfing hurt itself in about 2000-04 just as kiting started unfortunately BUT to think windsurfing is anything like 2000ish model gear now is crazy.
The resurgence is huge and in the last few years there are far more people going from kiting back to windsurfing than the other way around.
As with anything, big take-up, then big swing back. Then balance.
Sounds like you need to get back on modern stuff for a couple of sessions and you will feel the stoke as opposed to the draggy sink before.
Happy to help with that.

Corro last few summers - 30 kiters and 60 windsurfers.
Over and over again. Yeah its dying huh. Lol
Advantage windsurfing - one lesson then go it alone. Kiting - can't really do that....

Geez the guy asked about both sports, just tell him where he can learn without bagging out the other sport?

kiting advantage? He wants to use public transport so yeah a TT and one kite - sweet.

WA, 7491 posts
9 Sep 2019 5:47AM
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Wow we are a bit sensitive over here. Reread my first post not sure it bagged out windsurfing, just a comment on the state of the sport. 30knots at Corro's Is epic for jumping on a windsurfer. Don't see those numbers many other places. Couple of mates got back into it recently and praised the gear but still need a van for 2 boards, 4 sails, booms and masts. Quick survey at main break of Oz windsurfer ages would see them as mature. Younger guys and girls are usually euros. Except Janes little rippers.
Not sure I would like to walk from Jez's to the learning spot with a full learners kit. Kiting is better catered for and easier to get around with the gear.
seabreezes almost here.

WA, 3754 posts
9 Sep 2019 9:58AM
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At Royal Perth Yacht Club on the Swan River.

Royal Perth Yacht Club, Australia II Drive, Crawley WA

Course run in October to December.

Gear will be provided as part of the course.

"The Bic Techno 293 is an ideal board for those learning to windsurf. It has the length and stability to make learning easy. Having a centreboard also adds to stability and makes light wind sailing lots of fun. These boards are used in World wide competitions with fleet sizes in the hundreds. Foot straps are also a feature of the Techno 293 which gives it great strong wind performance.....the.. entry level rig is the Ezzy 3.5m Superlight which is a refined, light weight rig easily managed by beginners. The transition rig is the Ezzy 4.7m Superlight which provides more power and is the perfect lead in to the full Techno 293 5.8m racing rig."

Further public transport is close ie bus or ride a bike to the club.

Other yacht clubs like Mounts Bay Sailing Club and South Perth Yacht Club can provide tuition and boards (Windsurfer LT and One Design) for charter for racing as you improve. Get in touch with the clubs on their respective websites.

Good luck.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
9 Sep 2019 11:38AM
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"Windsurfing is not that popular over here anymore. Sort of old mans pursuit .."

I see the same age spread in kiting as windsurfing , now kiting is 20yrs old.

WA, 3159 posts
9 Sep 2019 2:11PM
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For windsurfing Mark and Richard have good advice on getting going, Hilly's advice on a kite option is ok also, before it went down hill from there. Anyway once you have worked out what you want there's plenty of cheap s/h gear, Mandurah is just south of Perth and is a small city with plenty of flat water to play on and beautiful beaches. Another plus here is there is no them and us, just happy days

WA, 7491 posts
9 Sep 2019 2:37PM
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Mark _australia said..
I see the same age spread in kiting as windsurfing , now kiting is 20yrs old.

Not in Perth, Margs or Gloo. But maybe in Gero

Wing dings will get all the kids in. Simple like surfing, one wing ding, and bob's your uncle. I can get away with one board for surf and wind now, and no strings or mast, could be a game changer.

WA, 3754 posts
9 Sep 2019 3:19PM
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hilly said..

Mark _australia said..
I see the same age spread in kiting as windsurfing , now kiting is 20yrs old.

Not in Perth, Margs or Gloo. But maybe in Gero

Wing dings will get all the kids in. Simple like surfing, one wing ding, and bob's your uncle. I can get away with one board for surf and wind now, and no strings or mast, could be a game changer.

Just go surfing then no need for a sail, wing, kite, foil or a paddle. It is trite to say but it doesn't really answer the question from the original poster.

WA, 7491 posts
9 Sep 2019 6:36PM
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RichardG said..It is trite

Yes, tough forum this.

WA, 3159 posts
10 Sep 2019 9:02AM
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Someone in Mandurah has a room for rent Hellsjanitor,

3 posts
10 Sep 2019 1:11PM
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Thanks so much for all the information guys! Really cool to see everyone so helpful, can't wait to call this place home for a few months! I just got a 30 hour flight then I'm there! Couldn't be more excited.

Also didn't mean to open up the kite vs windsurfing, I'm guessing there can be a tad bit of animosity between the the two groups? haha

Hope to see y'all in the water!

WA, 114 posts
10 Sep 2019 5:25PM
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hilly said..
Talk to Sonya at Westozkiteboarding and you can rent accomodation, hire kite gear and get lessons in walking distance. Windsurfing is not that popular over here anymore. Sort of old mans pursuit apart from high end wave riders.

"Sort of old mans pursuit apart from high end wave riders." Don't tell that to the kids which train and race regularly out of RPYC ! They'll gang up on you and strangle you with your kite strings.

WA, 7 posts
10 Sep 2019 8:45PM
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Dip916 said..

hilly said..
Talk to Sonya at Westozkiteboarding and you can rent accomodation, hire kite gear and get lessons in walking distance. Windsurfing is not that popular over here anymore. Sort of old mans pursuit apart from high end wave riders.

"Sort of old mans pursuit apart from high end wave riders." Don't tell that to the kids which train and race regularly out of RPYC ! They'll gang up on you and strangle you with your kite strings.

There's a whole heap of us out of RPYC, windsurfing is on the rise!

WA, 899 posts
2 Oct 2019 11:13AM
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Only a kiter would come on a windsurfing forum, insult the sport and then be offended when they get called out for being a kook. Kooks on and off the water it seems.

As for the OP, plenty of stuff available on in the buy/sell section you can buy to get yourself cranking across the water mate. Hope you enjoy your time here. :)


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Advice for beginner in Perth" started by hellsjanitor