How is speedsailing in Albany in SE and WSW? Lilacs is one of the spots we'd love to sail, and there may be decent ESE wind on Tuesday and WSW on Thursday. Does the tide get too low at the usual spot in WSW?
The prediction is 0.58 m for Thursday around 4 pm, but does strong wind push the water out?
If the usual spot is too shallow, can the area to the right of it be sailed?
I'll be down there Thursday too. I've tried Lilacs in a westerly, GAF, not much fun. You need to go right around to the other side of the harbour. Not so weedy flat, but nice white sand, still a fun spot for a sail
ive cracked 39 there, so speed is possible
Hi Peter the forecast for Tues/Wed has been shifting all over the place so who knows what we'll get for wind, does seem likely that Tues/Wed will be quite wet down here.
So far this season we have not had the "typical" pattern develop at all just a couple of days here & there, if anything looks like changing in the short term we'll let you know
Even if there is no wind, Albany is a great place to visit for a couple of days!
Jeremy, the forecast is looking quite good here, so Peter and Nina may leave Albany till later.
We can always take the long way round the coast on the way to Lake George,
I was amazed how much fun Albany was. I was there on family trip and wasn't really looking for a sail. But.. I did pack a kite as that takes no room and I prefer in unknown conditions. I sailed (sorry kited) over at Shoal all alone. I was actually passing for a run, and thought why not. Albany is really great for that. Lots of little bays and it feels like real exploring. I had 5 days out of 6 and I wasn't really even supposed to be on the water. I fell in love with Albany. It reminds me a lot of some of the places I used to sail back in the day.