Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Family Friendly Camp ground with a surprise perfect DTL wave (when theres swell)

Created by Gerowaterboy > 9 months ago, 23 Oct 2022
WA, 143 posts
23 Oct 2022 4:30PM
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Hope i don't offend anyone by this, but i don't think too many people have ever sailed it and can't see it ever getting busy as you will drive by many other spots all firing if this one is any good. Great safe lagoon for snorkeling, heaps of crays for dinner, on the beach (need a 4wd to get in, can tow small vans in there) and if there's a bit of swell running has a fantastic wave (or waves) in the bay, perfectly safe, softish wave compared to most in WA, would be fine for flat water guys in small swell, just be aware of the patches of reef. Google images of the campground for pics of the area.
So where is it ?? Little Bay 3k nth of Horrocks, i normally go there and sail Horrocks pass which is still an option in smaller swell , took out a floaty board and had 2 of the most fun hrs sailing in ages, super smooth wave due to reef upwind, massive jumps and 100m down the line wave rides, perfect cross shore.
Wave looks good for SUP's too, maybe a bit soft for proper surfers (Bowes ?), great for launching a tinny to drop pots or pull in a big fish (we got an 80cm dhuey).
Anyway, hope i don't offend anyone, but life's too short to keep secrets in my opinion.


Flying Dutchman
WA, 1482 posts
23 Oct 2022 11:40PM
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Sweet mate what swell size does it start working? What size swell can it handle?

WA, 143 posts
24 Oct 2022 9:21AM
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Flying Dutchman said..
Sweet mate what swell size does it start working? What size swell can it handle?

I reckon it breaks from about 2 m swell

WA, 143 posts
24 Oct 2022 9:22AM
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Found a few random Pics

WA, 3469 posts
24 Oct 2022 9:52AM
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There are quite a few spots along the coast like this... I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment "you will drive by many other spots all firing if this one is any good". Most people seem to stick with what they know.


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Family Friendly Camp ground with a surprise perfect DTL wave (when theres swell)" started by Gerowaterboy