Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia


Created by BSN101 > 9 months ago, 17 Oct 2018
WA, 2278 posts
17 Oct 2018 9:08PM
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Nice session on the weekend, fortunately the caretaker left the gate open when he left. We all snuck in while he was having a sunday roast with gravy and veg. Probably pie afterwards with custard. As a salute to him we had a stiff drink before we left (and before we finished sailing too) I came in after a short spell on the water to get my camera.

WA, 83 posts
17 Oct 2018 11:15PM
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is that a tribal super weed speed fin in the first pic?

WA, 2278 posts
18 Oct 2018 6:33AM
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Ken29 said..
is that a tribal super weed speed fin in the first pic?

Hi Ken. No it's a WeedSpeed 25 this was a slow speed dismount on a berg . After I did one earlier I went in to get the camera to take this pix when it happened again. The WS was fine at seed and only struggled at slow speed and only occasionally. More "snot" there.

WA, 77 posts
18 Oct 2018 9:13AM
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So the answer to not getting thrown over the front by weedbergs is to go flat out at all times ??. That's me in the second photo thanks Dave.

WA, 12007 posts
18 Oct 2018 4:31PM
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Thanks Dave, Swindy's 5.0 looks rather nice, thanks Roger!
And a big plus, the GPS carrier on my helmet is very close to horizontal and pointing at the sky. It's very hard looking in a mirror, trying to reproduce your sailing stance and mark the helmet with a felt pen. But this seems to have worked, thanks again mate.

WA, 3145 posts
18 Oct 2018 7:43PM
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Thanks for sharing Dave

WA, 3145 posts
18 Oct 2018 7:47PM
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Jonski said..
So the answer to not getting thrown over the front by weedbergs is to go flat out at all times ??. That's me in the second photo thanks Dave.

Doesn't always work John

WA, 2278 posts
18 Oct 2018 7:52PM
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firiebob said..

Jonski said..
So the answer to not getting thrown over the front by weedbergs is to go flat out at all times ??. That's me in the second photo thanks Dave.

Doesn't always work John

Thats a DOOZIE Firie! need a helmet now. Take a trip down our way to visit the Gath factory in Margies.

WA, 77 posts
18 Oct 2018 8:13PM
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firiebob said..

Jonski said..
So the answer to not getting thrown over the front by weedbergs is to go flat out at all times ??. That's me in the second photo thanks Dave.

Doesn't always work John

Yeah I went through 2 sails in 2 days going over weedbergs looking forward to them floating away or whatever it is weedbergs do for the summer

WA, 3145 posts
19 Oct 2018 10:49AM
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Jonski said..

Yeah I went through 2 sails in 2 days going over weedbergs looking forward to them floating away or whatever it is weedbergs do for the summer

I'm so looking forward to summer, besides the bergs the cold's killing me

WA, 3145 posts
19 Oct 2018 10:54AM
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BSN101 said..

Thats a DOOZIE Firie! need a helmet now. Take a trip down our way to visit the Gath factory in Margies.

I've got two Gaths I did wear one yesterday
It wasn't so much my scone, my neck was real sore n stiff, that was the worry

WA, 4564 posts
19 Oct 2018 7:41PM
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firiebob said..

Jonski said..

Yeah I went through 2 sails in 2 days going over weedbergs looking forward to them floating away or whatever it is weedbergs do for the summer

I'm so looking forward to summer, besides the bergs the cold's killing me

Harden up ya bloody sook, ol fullas gorn soft in the cold

WA, 3145 posts
19 Oct 2018 8:58PM
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Yep, an electric blanket and a cuddly child bride much better than hail and bergs

Laurent MRU
WA, 4 posts
21 Oct 2018 12:47PM
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Hi Dave. Good to meet you yesterday on the water.
Can you please let me know the website/link where I can find the GPS tracker you showed me ?
Cheers, Laurent.


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Fangyland" started by BSN101