Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

I'm sorry

Created by paddymac > 9 months ago, 15 Jun 2013
WA, 936 posts
15 Jun 2013 3:55PM
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could be my fault, cause I've been buying some new toys

Chicken or egg? No wind, buy gear or buy gear, no wind.

Can't wait to try em out!

SA, 3589 posts
15 Jun 2013 7:32PM
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You bastard!

WA, 290 posts
15 Jun 2013 9:27PM
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Very nice Pat

WA, 2221 posts
15 Jun 2013 10:00PM
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Very nice quiver paddy. One envious bender

WA, 4081 posts
15 Jun 2013 10:23PM
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Is there an emoticon with homer and saliva dripping from his mouth?

WA, 435 posts
15 Jun 2013 10:40PM
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That's a helluva quiver Paddy.
You'll love 'em.

I'm very attached to my PD 135.

WA, 1091 posts
15 Jun 2013 10:43PM
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So it was you...Wondered who did it. Horrible looking boards btw...

WA, 1091 posts
15 Jun 2013 10:45PM
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Patrick, what are the sizes?

WA, 1380 posts
16 Jun 2013 9:08AM
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mmmm, I can almost smell that new board smell

WA, 1730 posts
16 Jun 2013 9:57AM
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Nice quiver Paddy!
Just checked the craphs and it could just be the luck of the Irish?

To be sure to be sure and f*#ked if I know!

WA, 290 posts
16 Jun 2013 10:25AM
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And please don't buy anything else, we are all desperate for a sail

Mark _australia
WA, 22228 posts
16 Jun 2013 11:33AM
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Pat how many sails does one need for that range - about 20?

WA, 6277 posts
16 Jun 2013 11:50AM
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Wow they've even got your name on them!

WA, 936 posts
16 Jun 2013 2:14PM
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Obelix said..

Patrick, what are the sizes?

Obelix, I've gone for an unusual quiver, 100 (64.5w), 115 (69.5w), 135 (85w) slaloms and a FSW 102 (62.5w)

I got super nerdy and analysed 180+ sessions and chose boards that will get the most use. The bigger two slaloms were easy, the smaller one harder. As I mostly go to the river a smaller board than 60w only gets used once in a blue moon for me, so gone for some slightly larger than the usual small board choice (87 or 92). The FSW gives me a bump and jump for moderate+ winds or when it's that stupid short , sharp chop.

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Mark _australia said..

Pat how many sails does one need for that range - about 20?

sadly, at the moment you're not far off. Wanna buy some???
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nebbian said..

Wow they've even got your name on them!

They've all got the same typo though. It's got a C in it!!

QLD, 3424 posts
16 Jun 2013 5:16PM
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Dear oh dear... you certainly went for it !!!

Nice quiver....... soooo jealous !! You will love the 115 !!! (I tried the 100 once, I'm just too heavy )

What's with the colour of the straps in the 115 ??
Your board looks "lighter" in colour than mine (if I can use the word colour for a patrik...) could it be a different year ?? Was I sold an older board than I expected ? So many questions..... my head hurts !!

Nice buy anyway.... you are now allowed to come to new cal !!!

WA, 936 posts
16 Jun 2013 4:44PM
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seanhogan said..

What's with the colour of the straps in the 115 ??

Hi Sean, well spotted!! They don't have new versions in the shop for the 115 and 135, so I have demos until the new ones arrive.

The colour of the 135 looks close to yours, the other two are lighter. All the same year, maybe they were running low on paint

Would love to get to New Cal, looks fantastic.

QLD, 3424 posts
16 Jun 2013 7:59PM
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what I noticed between the 2012 demo and my 2013 was that they had added a 4th hole for the straps.

Mark _australia
WA, 22228 posts
16 Jun 2013 6:29PM
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Mark _australia said..

Pat how many sails does one need for that range - about 20?

sadly, at the moment you're not far off. Wanna buy some???

Well, I am looking for a few 2013 Combats for this season......?

WA, 6415 posts
16 Jun 2013 6:48PM
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I would have went for the 128 litre,81cm over the 85cm wide 135 litre after my bad experience with that other 85cm i tried.

The only board in the Patrik range i'm not convinced about yet is the 59cm wide 92 litre,although others rave about it!

It can hold a bigger sail way better than my i-sonic 87 but still feel the smaller i-sonic 87 is faster.

QLD, 3424 posts
16 Jun 2013 9:12PM
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saw the 128 last week at the beach, impressive cut outs !!!

WA, 319 posts
16 Jun 2013 8:11PM
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That resources company is clearly paying you too much Patrick - but then again what other brand were you gonna get!!

Mark _australia
WA, 22228 posts
16 Jun 2013 8:28PM
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I wouldn't leave it on the beach, lest a Dalmatian tries to hump it

But I am just jealous of a bloke with 4 x new boards

WA, 4014 posts
16 Jun 2013 8:32PM
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I hope you get some good wind soon, and score a heap of PB's!

WA, 293 posts
17 Jun 2013 11:17AM
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Great decision on getting the Patriks!
My quiver looks very simmilar to yours Paddymac, with a 92 Trailer Wave
and 92 , 115 and 135 Slalom's!

WA, 204 posts
17 Jun 2013 4:40PM
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Geez Paddy, have you told the missus yet ??!!

won't be the same seeing you down at Peli without the *boards anymore. Without wanting to upset my *board friends, any particular reason you swapped ?


Mark _australia
WA, 22228 posts
17 Jun 2013 6:39PM
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wa881 said..
Geez Paddy, have you told the missus yet ??!!

always use the same (old) board bags

WA, 1091 posts
17 Jun 2013 7:05PM
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wa881 said...
Geez Paddy, have you told the missus yet ??!!

won't be the same seeing you down at Peli without the *boards anymore. Without wanting to upset my *board friends, any particular reason you swapped ?


His wife complained about the colour scheme and requested him to upgrade.
I hear she also asked for a large van...

WA, 936 posts
17 Jun 2013 7:53PM
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wa881 said..

Geez Paddy, have you told the missus yet ??!!


Hah! Nothing gets by the Chief Financial Officer. This was a fully authorised purchase I used the "mortality" argument for what it's worth. "Babe, I'm 44... how many years of good windsurfing have I got left?? I don't want to wait until I retire to spend some of my hard earned on my one and only passion." Bless her cotton socks, it worked and she agreed!!

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wa881 said..

Without wanting to upset my *board friends, any particular reason you swapped ?


Nothing against *boards JC, they're awesome boards. They plane super early and are lickety split quick. I just wanted something with a little more bottom shape and a smaller tail for smoother gybing. Control, comfort...all that good stuff.

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Mark _australia said..

I wouldn't leave it on the beach, lest a Dalmatian tries to hump it

Mark, next time I'm at Lano you're going to have a go. Last year's visit was a highlight for me, gybes in front of Werner's van, sooo much fun.

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premo said..

Great decision on getting the Patriks!
My quiver looks very simmilar to yours Paddymac, with a 92 Trailer Wave
and 92 , 115 and 135 Slalom's!

Nearly went the 92 Premo! Thought I'd get more out of the 100 on the river.

Mark _australia
WA, 22228 posts
17 Jun 2013 9:55PM
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paddymac said..
Mark, next time I'm at Lano you're going to have a go. Last year's visit was a highlight for me, gybes in front of Werner's van, sooo much fun

Geez OK if you're gonna make me

Need free accom?

WA, 1364 posts
3 Aug 2013 6:33PM
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Hsd a early visit from santa! NICE.

WA, 3456 posts
5 Aug 2013 2:07PM
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What do people do with that many board???


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"I'm sorry" started by paddymac