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Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Keen on Screamin'... Leeman!!!

Created by DanKA18 > 9 months ago, 5 Nov 2017
WA, 28 posts
5 Nov 2017 8:37PM
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Firstly, thank you to all those who have already entered the event. Your support is much appreciated.

If, however, your intention is to attend the Screamin' Leeman Event and you have yet to register, please complete the entry process early this week via the WWA website.

As organisers, we have a large number of commitments including 8 cray boats as support vessels/outside marks, Volunteer Sea Rescue crews, beach volunteers, presentation venue & entertainment, catering and numerous other logistical requirements that we must lock in on fixed time-lines and the end of this week is the cut-off for many of these.

At this stage we just can't rely on entries on the day (based on the forecast...) and need committed support to achieve viable competitor numbers.

Please spread the word and join us for a fantastic weekend away.
Thanks in advance.

WA, 809 posts
6 Nov 2017 7:51AM
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Link to Event Registration Page -
Link to Renew Membership -

If you enter before Midnight Wednesday you go into the draw to win a Carton of Beer.
or wine to the equivalent value for the non beer drinkers.

If you are already entered you will also be in the draw.

Please spread the word and join us for a fantastic weekend away.

SA, 3590 posts
6 Nov 2017 11:40AM
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Hell Yeah Free Beer
Get behind the teams that volunteer a lot of their personal time to organise these events.

WA, 3620 posts
6 Nov 2017 3:12PM
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How many entries so far? I am in!

SA, 3590 posts
6 Nov 2017 6:28PM
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Nowhere near enuf.
Grab your mates and drag them kickin' and Screamin' to Leeman

WA, 2333 posts
7 Nov 2017 4:45PM
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Im very interested , just waiting on jacket clarification, I wear an NP high hook.

Went looking yesterday and the type 1 vests have that float behind the head as did some type2 and they appeared not to have pockets (spares & flares!) and type 3 were in a brochure.

Im pretty sure the NP jacket is a 50 rating. 50S comes in pretty colours ans is for enclosed waters

WA, 809 posts
7 Nov 2017 6:19PM
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Hi Bender a NP high hook is fine as they are 50 rating

WA, 809 posts
7 Nov 2017 6:20PM
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Hi Bender a NP high hook is fine as they are 50 rating

WA, 28 posts
7 Nov 2017 7:29PM
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Hi All,
Much discussion has already taken place on previous posts re the PFD issue for this event.
Just to clarify once more as the course is 25km long, up to 2 km offshore, and your safety is our highest priority.

Allowed - Type 2 and its equivalent - the 50 rating ( for open water)

Not allowed - Type 3 and its equivalent - the 50 S rating (designed for enclosed waters) - please do not bring these as guaranteed disappointment will follow any request to wear them in the race.

Note also -
two in-date flares are also required (preferably the orange smoke type for daytime use)
Thanks in advance

WA, 77 posts
7 Nov 2017 7:49PM
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I have a spare 50n buoyancy aid if it will help to get another entry over the line. It's a ronstan from Surf Sail Australia in size Large. Just PM me on here.

WA, 979 posts
7 Nov 2017 9:04PM
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BSN101 said..
Im very interested , just waiting on jacket clarification, I wear an NP high hook.

Went looking yesterday and the type 1 vests have that float behind the head as did some type2 and they appeared not to have pockets (spares & flares!) and type 3 were in a brochure.

Im pretty sure the NP jacket is a 50 rating. 50S comes in pretty colours ans is for enclosed waters

Dave, I'm thinking about giving it a crack too. I just bought an NP vest and it is CE50, which is equivalent to Type 2

WA, 2333 posts
7 Nov 2017 9:37PM
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Stretchy said..

BSN101 said..
Im very interested , just waiting on jacket clarification, I wear an NP high hook.

Went looking yesterday and the type 1 vests have that float behind the head as did some type2 and they appeared not to have pockets (spares & flares!) and type 3 were in a brochure.

Im pretty sure the NP jacket is a 50 rating. 50S comes in pretty colours ans is for enclosed waters

Dave, I'm thinking about giving it a crack too. I just bought an NP vest and it is CE50, which is equivalent to Type 2

WWA just indicated that mine will be ok, i will double check it tomorrow.

I will be begging for a leave pass so fingers crossed. I might have chat about coming up with you if you want company/have room for the trip.

WA, 456 posts
8 Nov 2017 5:40PM
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Ok, more confusion. My NP vest in 3xl is a 50N rating which is equivalent to a type 2 which should be sufficient, BUT read the small print. Use only in sheltered waters. As WWA have specified use in open water I assume it wont be acceptable. Can you get a 50N rated jacket that specifies use in open water ?

I would assume that a rating is a rating and all jackets of this rating would have the same limitations of use, or have NP printed it on there as an arse covering exercise.
As there isn't long to go and many people use these can we have 100% clarification on this and has anyone got any recommendations for another make of jacket of a higher rating that is user friendly for our sport.

WA, 236 posts
8 Nov 2017 7:49PM
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I also am unclear about whether my NP High hook life jacket will be ok to use for Cervantes and Leeman events. I have used this type for LOC for the last 7 Years with no problem about compliance. Could someone please clearly approve its suitability.

WA, 979 posts
8 Nov 2017 8:11PM
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Roger, surely the ISO or ASA standard must overrule any subjective writing on the jacket. I want to enter tonight, but don't want to blow $85 and fuel and accomodation. Legalities sure make this racing business difficult. GPSTC is SO much easier!

WA, 456 posts
8 Nov 2017 9:04PM
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Stretchy said..
Roger, surely the ISO or ASA standard must overrule any subjective writing on the jacket. I want to enter tonight, but don't want to blow $85 and fuel and accomodation. Legalities sure make this racing business difficult. GPSTC is SO much easier!

I have entered and brought new flares and want to book accommodation, I don't want to get there and be refused entry because someone reads the small print on the vest at the last minute. I agree with you Rob, just need to know before I lay out any more cash.

WA, 979 posts
8 Nov 2017 9:22PM
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Actually, WWA have stated above that the NP high hook is ok being 50N, so it is ok...
im in!

WA, 28 posts
8 Nov 2017 9:31PM
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Type 2 or its equivalent 50N is allowed. (This is the minimum standard permitted)

Type 3 or its equivalent 50 S is not allowed.
(Special use "S" rated vest - Example - A Specialist canoeing vest - generally dark in colour with cut-away shoulders)

Further explanation:
50N simply means it gives 50 Newtons of upward force (buoyancy) when fully immersed in water.
DOTWA permits the use of these for open water (offshore) events (despite the small print on the vest) due to the event safety measures in place.
i.e. Minimum rescue craft to sailor ratios, flares, limited course area, historic risk profile of event type, Etc.. They are deemed to provide a "reasonable" level of safety whilst remaining practical for this activity.

No more on this issue please.... we just can't make it any clearer..... SAFETY FIRST

WA, 3226 posts
8 Nov 2017 9:32PM
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WindsurfingWA said..
Hi Bender a NP high hook is fine as they are 50 rating

Pretty sure we're good to go with them now.

My apologies. This confusion may have been caused in part by my question on the other thread. I was a little confused to begin with as well.

WA, 979 posts
8 Nov 2017 9:46PM
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I've entered now.
these queries may seem annoying to seasoned competitors, but for newbies like me these simple matters are all a bit bewildering. Thanks for your patient responses Dan, hopefully it results in increased commitment to your event

WA, 456 posts
8 Nov 2017 9:57PM
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Stretchy said..
Actually, WWA have stated above that the NP high hook is ok being 50N, so it is ok...
im in!

Yep, saw that Rob but wanted to avoid any last minute disappointment on the day after reading the small print on the vest. Who knows these days.Thanks for the clarification Dan, see you up there, looking forward to it.

WA, 809 posts
9 Nov 2017 8:59AM
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Morning all

The key to purchasing a lifejacket is the rating written in the jacket (MUST BE WRITTEN IN THE JACKET)

The reason for written in the jacket is two fold
1) It makes it simple on the beach for the volunteer who grabbed the short straw and is now checking compliance
2) It is part of the ISO standards to have the rating marked on the jacket

An email has also gone out to all past and present WWA members to hopefully clarify requirements.

Also long as you have not bought an impact vest, it is actually difficult to buy a lifejacket that is not compliant especially windsurfing specific lifejackets.

WA, 2100 posts
9 Nov 2017 11:16AM
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I've got a Type 2 if anyone would like to borrow it - pick up in South Fremantle

WA, 8407 posts
14 Nov 2017 4:18PM
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DanKA18 said..
Firstly, thank you to all those who have already entered the event. Your support is much appreciated.

If, however, your intention is to attend the Screamin' Leeman Event and you have yet to register, please complete the entry process early this week via the WWA website.

As organisers, we have a large number of commitments including 8 cray boats as support vessels/outside marks, Volunteer Sea Rescue crews, beach volunteers, presentation venue & entertainment, catering and numerous other logistical requirements that we must lock in on fixed time-lines and the end of this week is the cut-off for many of these.

At this stage we just can't rely on entries on the day (based on the forecast...) and need committed support to achieve viable competitor numbers.

Please spread the word and join us for a fantastic weekend away.
Thanks in advance.

Hi dan
you may be aware we're hosting the Midwest windfest that weekend, we've a big downwinders from sunset to coros approx 2.30 till 6 pm
do we need to be made aware of any keep clear zones for your event and visa versa
cheers and hope you guys have a great windy weekend
cheers mick

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
14 Nov 2017 8:46PM
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^^ yeah the windsurf downwinder is 150km behind you but likely to catch up....

WA, 8407 posts
14 Nov 2017 9:06PM
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Mark _australia said..
^^ yeah the windsurf downwinder is 150km behind you but likely to catch up....

Someone mentioned it was up here, that's sweet, bit disappointed tbh , I was hoping to give you blokes the finger, all the best for the event

WA, 3620 posts
14 Nov 2017 9:27PM
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cauncy said..
Someone mentioned it was up here, that's sweet, bit disappointed tbh , I was hoping to give you blokes the finger, all the best for the event

As we flog past you like you're standing still??

WA, 28 posts
15 Nov 2017 6:21PM
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cauncy said..

DanKA18 said..
Firstly, thank you to all those who have already entered the event. Your support is much appreciated.

If, however, your intention is to attend the Screamin' Leeman Event and you have yet to register, please complete the entry process early this week via the WWA website.

As organisers, we have a large number of commitments including 8 cray boats as support vessels/outside marks, Volunteer Sea Rescue crews, beach volunteers, presentation venue & entertainment, catering and numerous other logistical requirements that we must lock in on fixed time-lines and the end of this week is the cut-off for many of these.

At this stage we just can't rely on entries on the day (based on the forecast...) and need committed support to achieve viable competitor numbers.

Please spread the word and join us for a fantastic weekend away.
Thanks in advance.

Hi dan
you may be aware we're hosting the Midwest windfest that weekend, we've a big downwinders from sunset to coros approx 2.30 till 6 pm
do we need to be made aware of any keep clear zones for your event and visa versa
cheers and hope you guys have a great windy weekend
cheers mick

Hi Mick,
Thanks for the heads-up. We are based only near Leeman, so no issues with course area conflicts. That said, we are probably competing for some of the same competitors/participants...... Sorry about that.
None the less, have a great weekend in Gero. Keep us (WWA) in the loop when planning for next year and we'll try to avoid the overlap.
Bring on the wind.....

SA, 3590 posts
16 Nov 2017 4:12PM
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I've got a XL-2XL NPX Immortal (50) available after this weekends Slalom Round if anyone wants to grab it and take it up to leeman.


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Keen on Screamin'... Leeman!!!" started by DanKA18