Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

LOC training

Created by racerX > 9 months ago, 16 Oct 2010
459 posts
16 Oct 2010 1:30AM
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Would love to do this race this year, I am not sure if I am ready for it, so want to do some training in the coming months, otherwise It will be the year after that...

I will probably do it on my Fanatic skate, with a wave fin to get to the nose up a bit higher. Have read the newbies guide, and I don't have much experience with sailing broad for any extended period.

What angle to the wind should I be expecting, or training to cope with and how long are the reaches? Any one got a gps plot of the course, so I can make myself a mini course with a broad reach to practise on.

lao shi
SA, 1293 posts
16 Oct 2010 11:50AM
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The first mark is not that broad but very off the wind after.

This is my track from last year and you can see that I didn't make the mark on a couple because I did not go broad enough. Wind is SW. Each leg on the way out was about 5-6 mins for me for a finish time of 47 mins. Lost 5 mins swimming at the first mark. I made the mistake as did others of assuming the wind was dropping. 7.5 Koncept and 84 wide board.
Results here
and lots of reports on GPSTC (9th Jan ) here
Many people sail with a weed fin due to random cray pot lines.

PM me your e-mail and I can send you the .gpx file.

25 posts
16 Oct 2010 9:41AM
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Hi Racer X,

Please feel free to check out the great article written by Martin Rice - Newbies Guide to the LOC on the Lancelin Ocean Classic web site

You will find lots of great information there that will help you learn more about the event.

All the best,

LOC Team

NSW, 2495 posts
17 Oct 2010 12:26AM
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do a lot of ocean sailing with the wind on your back as much as possible. know your gear and where it slides, practice gybing and keeping it down wind.
i did last years loc after sailing for 3 years and found it easy. finished around the 55 min mark but stuffed a few gybes and couldnt find the finish markers but was a hell of a great time. went wave sailing for a few hours afterwards too.
its a very safe event thats very well organised for a newbie and gives you a chance to compare how you go against the best.

WA, 576 posts
19 Oct 2010 3:31PM
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Does anyone know when the name changed from the Ledge to Lancelin to the Lancelin Ocean Classic.

I hadnt really noticed but some people who live in Ledge mentioned its a bit of a sore point for them, they put up with all the traffic etc... but don't get much of a mention anymore.

Personally I still call it the "Ledge" just out of habit.

Looking forward to it already ! Might even venture out to the pub this year.


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"LOC training" started by racerX