As a first timer it was great fun, but the legs were a bit short. I ran a 7.5 cos the back was very dodgy and my mission was to finish and the 8.5 was just too big to man handle down the course.. I broke my Sl66 at Cervantes but Matt from Man Overboard completed a miracle and had the board repaired and delivered to me by Friday arvo. Legend!!!!.
Had a great start position 155 top of the pin.....luck.
Managed to carry the gear to the water when the flag dropped. No running. Sailed off the beach and started to pump the sail when the back went stop!!!!. Sailed until I got enough wind to plan to the first mark. Jybe 1 all good and no issue running deep off the wind except for the lack of drive. 8.5 and a fit body would have worked better. Front foot strap appeared to be a bit loose but no time to stop and check mark 2 rounded. Just chased swell lines to each boat making sure that I Jybed cleanly at each mark. Footstrap is very loose now so couldn't drive at all with the front foot. Last mark I needed to put in an extra jybe, which I stalled and fell in on. A quick water start and the finish line. Hit the beach and stumbled across the line, still couldn't run. I hope I get the opportunity to have a go next year and do it with less computations
Would have been fun if it had been held on Friday!
This was the view from the channel at South passage looking North.
Looks wild! should of switch to friday for marathon heard it filled in a bit on saturday well done to all the competitors .l be there next year as l have to make the pilgrimage from the east .
I had another go after a 30 year lay-off. 95kg 95L 6.5M NCX had me planing for the last third of the first leg, after that it was all wallowing until I washed up with some flotsam at the 4th mark.
That link above doesn't seem to work... try this:
- Time: 36:05
- Max: 28.438
- 2 sec: 26.572
- 10 sec: 24.900
- NM: 23.637
Requiring us to go through the outer-gate consisting of boat and marker-buoy, wasn't well understood... I attempted to sail around the downwind-marker, then realised I only had to go around the boat. Lost about 2 minutes choosing a poor line **. Following the leaders didn't help as some of them didn't go deep enough either.
** not including the extra gybes to make the mark - going deeper to avoid the gybes, would have saved another 2 minutes.