Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Ledge to Lancelin 1989

Created by RichardG > 9 months ago, 2 Jul 2021
WA, 3749 posts
2 Jul 2021 12:24PM
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222 competitors we might get the same in the Australian Masters Games (AMG) and indeed even a few of the top finishers are entered already. Bjorn Hage did well in the triathlon that year as well and is already entered into the AMG along with top eastern states stars. Peter Dans (third in the above event) we hope you enter the AMG, Paul White your old Gaastra speed team member is already entered.

WA, 576 posts
3 Jul 2021 3:45PM
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First one I entered. Was in a team. Pity it's now just history.


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Ledge to Lancelin 1989" started by RichardG