We've just had confirmation from the shire that the 2015 Margs event is go.
We'll be holding it at main break again and the party will be hosted by Gnarabar gnarabar.com.au/ just down past the boat ramp. We will be publishing more details on the WWA website here windsurfingwa.tidyclub.com/public/events/1146-margaret-river-2015 and no doubt on Facebook and Seabreeze too.
The event is restricted to 40 entrants so get your tickets now through the WWA site. Of course there's no limit on spectators or the party so bring friends and family.
Many thanks to Patrik and Severne for their support and also to Bootleg Brewery. Hilltop studios www.hilltopstudios.com.au/ have offered a members discount for accommodation over the weekend so give them a call for accommodation. The cryptic password is on the WWA website here https://windsurfingwa.tidyclub.com/public/pages/members-only
looks like a decent enough breeze tomorrow. Is there any decent sailing to be had in an easterly in Margs that is worth the drive down from Perth?
Quick question: what are the "rules" or etiquette about sailing main break at the same time as the competition? Is it a question of giving priority to the competitors on the wave?
The comp access to the break is not exclusive. Only 2 surf comps each year get exclusive rights (The Classic in Dec and the Masters/Pro/whatever in March). If you want to enforce your rights to a wave, normal Margs rules apply. If you're concerned about your popularity, you might want to consider your options though.
had great conditions, the swell really sorted itself out over night, and the wind was pretty much perfect.
Some bloke called Scotty did quite well!
Started a new thread, sorry.
Thanks to everyone who took part, spectated, helped out, sponsored. Amazing weekend.
Brief results are:
Elite 1st Scotty
Women 1st Karin
Open 1st Pete T
Masters 1st Langy
Full results and photos will be up soon.
The full draw sheets have been posted in the new thread
Tar sponsors and event organisers
Really good event with the best wave sailing conditions you can get and wes got it EPIC pumping swell glassy and crossoff all day
Great gathering at the pub and atmosphere
Ill posts some snaps in wave sailing