Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Parking and rigging at Scarborough

Created by racerX 7 months ago, 7 Feb 2024
459 posts
7 Feb 2024 3:23PM
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Is there anywhere sensible to rig and launch (slalom gear) from Scarborough, instead of going to leighton or pinaroo?

WA, 887 posts
7 Feb 2024 8:32PM
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Sometimes I sail from the north side of the Floreat groyne. Plus side is theres a bit of shade. Downside is it's crawling with teabaggers setting off for the downwinders. Scarbs is a bit of a bitch with slalom gear if the banks are shallow and bigger fins.

WA, 158 posts
26 Feb 2024 7:11PM
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Scabs has good beach access near surf club - but not recommended for slalom unless the swell is tiny. The shore break can be quite heavy by Perth standards.


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Parking and rigging at Scarborough" started by racerX