Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Surf Sail Cervantes Windsurf Challenge 2023 - RESULTS ARE IN!!!

Created by JosieJo > 9 months ago, 9 Jan 2023
WA, 74 posts
9 Jan 2023 9:52PM
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After some serious scrutiny of the finsih line video's, the committee have collated the final results. Some with no numbers or very small hard to read numbers may be dissappointed but overall most will be very excited!!

WWA will organise a catch up for a bevvie and presentation of trophies and medals in the coming weeks.

Congratulations to all competitiors, it was a great weekend on the water with some really fun racing.

WA, 74 posts
9 Jan 2023 9:53PM
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Categories break down...

WA, 3118 posts
9 Jan 2023 11:15PM
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Thanks Jo, and thanks to all those involved in organising the event. Patrik and the WWA team put together an event that just seems to get better every year.

Putting it all together is generally a long winded effort that involves a whole lot of work leading up to/during and after the event, in order for it to all happen. We're very lucky in WA at the moment, to have such a dedicated team that put together events like Cervantes/Lancelin for us all to compete in.

For those not aware/wondering why they're not placed where they thought they'd be, Jo has had to sift through photos and and over the line results pages, trying to decipher suspect/hard to read sail numbers to try and get the results as fair as possible, which is why the results have been delayed. Not at all an easy task. How bout we all make sure we've got actual visible sail numbers for future events.

Also reckon we should all remember to sign off, so the vollies don't have to do search and rescue whilst we're all back at camp drinking the amber.

WA, 864 posts
10 Jan 2023 9:30AM
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Well said Subsonic and thanks to Patrik, WWA, JosieJo and all involved for a great event.

WA, 74 posts
10 Jan 2023 8:49PM
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Video is here of the event

WA, 3749 posts
11 Jan 2023 8:34AM
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Great video. Just wondering for completeness where would "Did not start" (DNS) be in results as it appears my DNS is missing ? What points does DNS attract...obviously bottom of the table, but still missing. Went for a sail anyway (AUS-177) after entering, signed on and signed off... A great place to sail exciting conditions, amazing event and thanks to hard work by Patrik, WWA organisers, all volunteers and results compilers. Be back next year and I will be more prepared and fitter ready for racing and starting in nuclear winds next time.

WA, 2224 posts
11 Jan 2023 9:35AM
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Any results for us Dingers?

WA, 435 posts
11 Jan 2023 11:47AM
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Thanks Jo, huge effort pulling the results together!

WA, 1437 posts
11 Jan 2023 2:18PM
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This thread should be moved to the General windsurfing section.

To get a 39 knot peak in open ocean is remarkable.

WA, 56 posts
12 Jan 2023 1:49PM
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Thanks JosieJo big job - great effort - on and off the water!

WA, 74 posts
13 Jan 2023 10:22PM
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Bender said..
Any results for us Dingers?

Hi Bender, unfortunately the Dingers didn't have visible identifiers that the finish line could discern.

Speaking to a couple of them after the race they advised that dingers also changed wings during the event. We just couldn't work out who was who.

I have footage of finishline but not able to work it out. Do you know them all? Could share footage for you to review and advise?

WA, 74 posts
13 Jan 2023 10:31PM
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RichardG said..
Great video. Just wondering for completeness where would "Did not start" (DNS) be in results as it appears my DNS is missing ? What points does DNS attract...obviously bottom of the table, but still missing. Went for a sail anyway (AUS-177) after entering, signed on and signed off... A great place to sail exciting conditions, amazing event and thanks to hard work by Patrik, WWA organisers, all volunteers and results compilers. Be back next year and I will be more prepared and fitter ready for racing and starting in nuclear winds next time.

Hi RichardG.
The DNS and DNF got a score of total participants plus one for each race. Because we did 4 races the overall score was your top 3 results ( drop the worst scoring race).

The last 10 or so placed racers on the overall results list signed on for racing but did not get registered as crossing the finishline for any races. Therefore all have the same final score.

If you are interested in your score in each race PM me and let me know your sail number and I'll give you results for each race.


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Surf Sail Cervantes Windsurf Challenge 2023 - RESULTS ARE IN!!!" started by JosieJo