Crystals still a thing? I wanna go but need a crowd to deter the thieves in the car park. anyone still going there .?
Come on folks, just organising it early
that's what you do for big events that are worth it .. Where else can u get sideshore wave sailing in Perth fronts? Let's do it.
So what would be the next best spot in the area, Avalon?
Any other options except for the 5h drive north?
Yes but it's not as cross shore. It's pretty damn good at gearies but crystals was cross shore dead flat inside and little knee to waist high waves .. Sooo good for jumping
now Crazy Waves has no waves due to development (and 500m from my work!!) I am sad.
Sharkies can get to mast high, Gearies can end up at buckets. Avalon will normally close out in a big Winter swell.
Haha, can someone "translate" where Sharkies and Gearies are? Like the actual beach or spot name as I have no clue
maybe I'll get round to drawing you a map.
OK here it is.
So there's a winging scene At Falcon Bay Pt and a learners break running south SW is off shore, but needs a big swell.
Geary's is a bit dependant on sand banks, but can be a good lefthander from chest to logo high.
Buckets, is the reef formation on the beach, it has bucket like holes all over it. shore break closes out right over it. Get washed in there and you can break anything. I always look over my shoulder when approaching it and make sure a bigger wave behind me doesn't catch me out.
Sharkies breaks on a reef further out and slightly South also needs a big swell and can get mast high, a good wave can go all the way to buckets.
Weedys is just in front of the Northern car park, but there's a lot of shallow reef in the area, I would only ride it on high tide.
Avalon Point, is usually the biggest wave and can be a long ride through to 2nds.
I've noticed some of the younger surfers/sailors calling 2nds, "main break" probably because it's closest to the Southern car park. Both Pt and 2nds finish on shallow reef. But 3rds breaks into a channel.
If you are unfamiliar with the reef, this the safest way out.
Add to that a WNW is direct onshore at Avalon Bay, the run inside the reef can be a lot of fun, swells come over the reef but it doesn't get too choppy, from due W to NW you can stay parallel to the reef and get downwind runs, but still tack back OK
Awesome, that's amazing info! Thanks so much and I'm sure I'll catch you on one of these beaches this winter. Hope we get some decent storm fronts.
2 metres swell would be the minimum with something like 12 sec period?
I'm getting too old for all that excitement now,
There's a vague chance I may go out in the bay, but big Winter waves are out of my league now.
SW winds seem to be getting more rare in Winter now, it's more NW, that doesn't work well this way.
There can be a bit of a right hander of Sharkies but it's not brilliant.