I've just reviewed the Cloud IX FS850 foil set, but also had an opportunity to ride the 5mtr wing last week. I've been using the PPC wings for nearly 2 years now, and again was surprised to see what I have been missing out on. Its funny how we get stuck in our ways of doing the same old thing and having the blinkers on...
The Cloud IX had the following features that I loved;
It's a one pump!
The valve fitting is really nice and much easier to get my 50 year old hands on and turn.
They seem really well engineered all-round
The handles are firm, but soft. Underneath there is a longer strap / handle that make it a breeze to find a sweet spot.
When water starting, the handles just seem to be placed really well so I don't have to reach all the way under for the first strap. It just falls into my hand easy.
It was very stable when flagged on a wave.
The general build quality is second to none. The material seems really tough and it didn't bag out, holding shape like you would expect from a quality product.
No windows !
I'm now selling my PPC's and buying a 3.5m and a 5m Cloud IX. I think these two sizes will have a good cross over. But if not, there is a wing right in between too which I'll be happy to buy if needed. Yewww
Probably similar to your PPC wings in price, but maybe best to ask your retailer bud. And don't get me wrong... I'm not poo pooing PPC which have been great wings too.
I'm just saying it's good to try new things that might surprise you / me and take the blinkers off to what ever else is out there.
The stoke is real yewwww!