I have seen a couple of F-One Eagle foils for sale with the winglets cut off. What is the intention? What does it improve?
Doesn't collect grass, faster, turns better, less dangerous. Don't get fone why the keep making winglets.
Keeps the foil from puncturing the wing sometimes. The eagle is a three year old antique though, it's amazing they still list it in the 2025 catalog. There's already a V2 SK8, they really need a better 10ish AR wing like a Lift 150X or Code S series.
From what I have seen, people remove the winglets of foils (of any brand) because they are extremely dangerous for the rider and the gear.
For eagles in the surf it is standard practice to cut the tips off and cut the surf tails very narrow as both free them up more for surfing. You lose a little pump possibly. if your using a wing you would just use sk8's
I cut mine off because they almost cut the arch of my foot when sitting or getting on and off the board. Like having a knife right into the heart of your foot. By far the most dangerous foil detail that I have encountered and it only took one touch to make me run to to the garage and get them off of the wing. They are like vertical daggers.
I kept the winglets on my Eagle 990 but cut them down and rounded the shape significantly, using a Dremel tool and sanding. I'm sure they are not quite as efficient like this, but I don't notice any difference. I think they are safer this way and arguably even safer than if I had cut them off completely. The tips of many foils without winglets are also like daggers. Mine now has a small flat upturned tip that isn't very sharp.