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Forums > Wing Foiling General

Fanatic HA Aero foil setup, anyone could weigh one, please?

Created by omg > 9 months ago, 24 Jul 2020
289 posts
24 Jul 2020 5:29PM
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Could anyone weigh the full foil setup of the new Aero HA. please?

Thank you!

WA, 7481 posts
25 Jul 2020 9:00PM
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No one wants to weigh one because they are farkn heavy.

289 posts
26 Jul 2020 12:53AM
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, but still, pretty please.

WA, 7481 posts
26 Jul 2020 3:42AM
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Can you demo one? They are a good foil just heavy because of windsurfer background. Carbon one will come out at some time in the future.

289 posts
26 Jul 2020 4:01AM
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thanks hilly, unfortunately I'm not able to demo :/ hence the request to weigh it, as I understand that it's a pretty nice wing setup otherwise.

30 Jul 2020 12:19PM
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George has his out at the moment so I don't have it here to weight, but just weighed a set of 1500 HA wings (front and back in the covers) against a regular 1500 set (same, both wings in their covers).

HA 1500 wings are just under 1.5kgs, regular 1500's are just over 2, so about 5-600 grams between them. The 2000 set is about 2.5kg.

I think a complete 2000 was about 6.5kg~ish with 75cm mast, so that would put the 1500 HA complete at about 5.5kg. If I get the chance this afternoon when it's back I'll double check the complete weight for you.

30 Jul 2020 4:29PM
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Adventure Sports Noosa said..
I think a complete 2000 was about 6.5kg~ish with 75cm mast, so that would put the 1500 HA complete at about 5.5kg. If I get the chance this afternoon when it's back I'll double check the complete weight for you.

Alright I weighed our 2000 complete, it's actually only just over 6kgs, I'd say 6.1-6.2kgs. So with the 1500 HA wing set you'd be looking at a little over 5kgs complete.

That's with 750mm mast & short fuselage 640mm.

NSW, 241 posts
30 Jul 2020 7:02PM
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Just weighed it. 5.6kg. 1250 HA with short fuse, 75cm mast, small rear wing.

Re: 'farkin heavy'
Yeah, but who cares. I'm 80kgs so it's still lighter than someone with more generous proportions on a lighter set up.

Selling my Neil pryde kit because I like the fanatic more. Loved the NP but the fanatic just clicks better with me. And love the fused mast/base and bomb tired of the NP filling up with water and having to line up the screws.

Horses for courses though....

289 posts
31 Jul 2020 2:19AM
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Awesome, thanks guys!

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
31 Jul 2020 12:10PM
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Interesting, not hijacking the thread but prompted me to weigh my foils.

Now they are still wet, so maybe a little lighter. See below with EVA front and back wing covers on and off. (bloody seabreeze image thing put them side ways, but you get the idea).

Naish S25 1240HA on 75cm Mast and Short Fuselage with EVA wing covers on front and back wings = 3.574kg

Naish S25 1240HA on 75cm Mast and Short Fuselage no covers = 3.386kg

Naish S25 1240HA specs

Naish S25 1400 HA on 75cm Mast with std Fuselage and EVA Wing covers front and back = 3.863kg

Naish S25 1400HA on 75cm Mast with Std Fuselage and no wing covers = 3.651kg

Naish S25 1400HA specs

Again, these wings are a little wet so maybe lose a few grams extra. but pretty impressive

Matt's 4'4" Naish Hover Ascend complete with 1240 HA mounted has a total weight together of = 6.323kg (WOW BOARD AND FOIL!)

Ride safe,


QLD, 3358 posts
31 Jul 2020 12:58PM
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JB said..
Interesting, not hijacking the thread but prompted me to weigh my foils.

Now they are still wet, so maybe a little lighter. See below with EVA front and back wing covers on and off. (bloody seabreeze image thing put them side ways, but you get the idea).

Naish S25 1240HA on 75cm Mast and Short Fuselage with EVA wing covers on front and back wings = 3.574kg

Naish S25 1240HA on 75cm Mast and Short Fuselage no covers = 3.386kg

Naish S25 1240HA specs

Naish S25 1400 HA on 75cm Mast with std Fuselage and EVA Wing covers front and back = 3.863kg

Naish S25 1400HA on 75cm Mast with Std Fuselage and no wing covers = 3.651kg

Naish S25 1400HA specs

Again, these wings are a little wet so maybe lose a few grams extra. but pretty impressive

Matt's 4'4" Naish Hover Ascend complete with 1240 HA mounted has a total weight together of = 6.323kg (WOW BOARD AND FOIL!)

Ride safe,


I have to ask JB why did you weigh it with the wing covers on?

QLD, 3358 posts
31 Jul 2020 1:01PM
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OH i see i just read up further so understand kind off

WA, 7481 posts
31 Jul 2020 11:47AM
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paul.j said..
OH i see i just read up further so understand kind off

Not sure I do

Light weight for ali setup.

NSW, 1100 posts
31 Jul 2020 1:50PM
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JB said..
Interesting, not hijacking the thread but prompted me to weigh my foils.

Now they are still wet, so maybe a little lighter. See below with EVA front and back wing covers on and off. (bloody seabreeze image thing put them side ways, but you get the idea).

Naish S25 1240HA on 75cm Mast and Short Fuselage with EVA wing covers on front and back wings = 3.574kg

Naish S25 1240HA on 75cm Mast and Short Fuselage no covers = 3.386kg

Naish S25 1240HA specs

Naish S25 1400 HA on 75cm Mast with std Fuselage and EVA Wing covers front and back = 3.863kg

Naish S25 1400HA on 75cm Mast with Std Fuselage and no wing covers = 3.651kg

Naish S25 1400HA specs

Again, these wings are a little wet so maybe lose a few grams extra. but pretty impressive

Matt's 4'4" Naish Hover Ascend complete with 1240 HA mounted has a total weight together of = 6.323kg (WOW BOARD AND FOIL!)

Ride safe,


Armstrong 1200 kit with covers 3.07 kgs......sorry couldn't resist

QLD, 7076 posts
31 Jul 2020 3:53PM
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I ran the new HA Fanatic wings with the new short fuselage for about 6 weeks . These are by far Fanatics best wings to date , lighter than previous models but still carry some weight . They are much flatter and thinner now . The 1250 was very good on the prone , Surf's , turns and pumps really well and works well on the windier days on the wing ding plus it's a great tow wing ( video below ) .

The 1550 & 1750 were great on the wing ding amazing control and super forgiving on breaches , you can ride these wings right on the surface . Good glide through gybes giving you extra time to bring the wing over if you get crossed up . Very very strong construction you can't kill these things on big bottom strikes and the tough design means very little flex in the wings or mast . In the end I just left the 1750 on even on really windy days it has an amazing top speed without blowing out for such a big wing . Very good low speed lift on the starts . Not quiet as fast as some of the more higher aspect wings but the control is its stand out feature .

Didn't want to give them back and definitely the best winding wings I've used to date . Here is a video using the 1750 in light wind . The guy jumping in the video is on the older wings so the weight really isn't an isssue on the wingding . Plus another video doing a downwind on the 1750

494 posts
25 Aug 2020 4:54AM
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900mm Mast: 2924g
800 mm Fuselage: 1562g
1750 Wing: 1537g
300 Tail: 240g

Total: 6263g plus the weight of bolts


Forums > Wing Foiling General

"Fanatic HA Aero foil setup, anyone could weigh one, please?" started by omg