I did not find many information about this front wing. For light wind conditions I use Sabfoil 1110 and also had Leviathan 1150. Leviathan 1150 not bad but I did not like it if the wind was building up. And while wingfoiling on the gusty lake, I did not had proper conditions: it felt too small or too big. So for really light wind I was using old W1250. Another thing I did not like about Leviathan 1150, was the speed. It feels slow but it was gliding ok with low stall speed. Sabfoil 1110 glides much better but it also has its drawbacks in stronger winds. Also if wind dies, it is pain to get it going.
I hope 1260 Pro should be more manageable if the wind builds up. In one forum someone mentioned this. Does it have better glide comparing to 1110? And would I feel the difference between Leviathan 1260 Pro and 1110? Or it is not worth to upgrade to it?
May be someone has some experience and could share it?
P.S. This front wing I will be using only for wingfoiling. The board is Takoon Escape SW 6'8.
Definitely worth it. It's a light wind weapon. With the thicker foils you would hit some top speed rather quickly, but with this one, take a look at the first clip at 05:30 for example - if you continue pumping in light winds it will just go faster and faster
Thanks for sharing, how many Knots in the second video, It looks like uner 8knots. Is it a 6 meter Ensis? How much you weight? Thanks
Taavi, thank you. Very nice riding. I see that conditions on Estonian lakes are similar to Lithuanian.
May be you could compare 1110 and 1260 Pro?
@drbugatti 72 kg, 4.6 m2 top spin in the first two clips, and 5.9 score in third. I don't know about knots.
There is a bit of overlap with the 1110 I guess. Haven't sailed these back to back. When it's quiet then the 1260 is a sure thing, and when it's slightly windier then I have been happy with a 875 razor pro piuma kit which is nicer to ride in some conditions, especially if the water gets choppy. Some days it's difficult to decide which foil to take.
Here is one example with a 875. The 1260 would have worked better.
Bought the wlp1260 hoping it would lift at lower speed than wl1150. For supfoiling (downwind and small waves), light wind wingfoiling and flat water paddle ups. Turns out the wlp1260 is pretty technical to ride, but with a wing it's a lot of fun in light wind and even more with some windswell. The wl1150 for me is better in small waves and supfoil downwind (on our lakes), it lifts at lower speeds and is more forgiving. With wing the wl1150 works but not fast enough to be enjoyable to ride.
at my current level, the wlp1260 is to technical for supfoil downwind. Could try 1360 last week, that's way easier to ride, but with wing it prefer the wlp1260 over wlp1360 or wl 1150.