Hi, any wing-foil riders of the South African SPG (Signature) Missiles who could share their riding and tuning tips? Am dialling them in, tho am not sure if I am on the right path.
Please message me.
Tuning any foil is basically the same, irrespective of brand. The shim shapes vary slightly, but the technique is the same. Your 3 variables are: foil mast position in the board tracks, stabiliser angle, and fuselage length.
If you're stuggling, then start with a long fuselage and set the foil mast in the middle of the tracks. Don't use a stab shim to start with.
Ride straight and level at your typical cruising speed. You front and back foot pressure should be equal. If you're too back foot heavy, move the foil forward. Move it back If you're too front foot heavy. If you run out of track, then shim the tail.
A bit more front foot pressure usually makes gybes a bit easier.