Curious about comparisons of the bigger sizes (around 1000cm2+) of these foils for all around winging...
Looking for user friendly foils for the challenges of getting through the intermediate challenges of learning to pump and jibe in mostly inland "flat" fresh water with a number of trips to the Gorge each year.
I'm drawn to all the talk of the low stall speed, glide, pump and user friendliness of the Progression foils.
And people seem SUPER stoked on the all around performance of the Silks, but haven't heard much about the low end or how they pump.
Slow is relative. The 140 and down progressions aren't that slow. They're thinner than the silks but true somehow a bit slower due to the section. 170 and 200 maybe different. Depends what you want though. locked in straps boosting and going fast then yeah silk for sure. However some of my favourite sessions are on a mid length in light winds playing in the shorebreak onshore junk pumping between waves and barely using the wing. For that the progression 140 is still the best. You will need a smaller foil though whereas I think a silk 850 (or 1050 if ur heavy) would cover almost all winging
I've used both foils extensively. The issue with most of the progressions (other than the 125) is that they work well in a pretty narrow power range. They can be unstable and pitchy when overpowered. They are also quite slow for the given power input (which translates to why they pump well). I found I needed a pretty big quiver of the Uni gear to satisfy the range of my conditions. the 125 is the exception and I really liked how it rode. I disagree that the 140 isn't slow - it felt very slow to me and had a hard top end that it wouldn't exceed.
the silk is the opposite. It handles being over and underpowered very well and stays consistent when overpowered. The top end can be pushed and it just ramps up front foot pressure but doesn't get pitchy or weird. The Silks are fast for the given size.
Silk turns better but the progressions also turn very nicely. Silk breaches very predictably. Progression pumps better at the low end, but the silk doesn't pump badly as long as you don't dig yourself into a hole.
Hi, I normally use Mikes Lab on Wingfoil. I used the P140 in prone for several months and it helped my evolution tremendously, but when I tried it in wingfoil it was a total disappointment. Now I just use AFS SILK 850 in prone and it is a fantastic foil although it doesn't pump like the P140, everything else makes it better. I have tried the silk in wingfoil while the new Mikeslab arrive and it has pleasantly surprised me, fast and fun, I think that with a longer mast I could be happy sailing in wingfoil with the silk if I had not known the Mikes lab foils
A little off topic, but does anyone know how the AFS silk compares to the new Armstrong HA foils. Looking at a silk 1050 setup.
I have spent a ton of time on the AFS Silk 1050/152 and 80cm mast. It is an amazing setup. It's super easy to use but also super high performance. I would say if your priority is surfing the Lake chop and carving this is the foil for you. The low end is great and it pumps really well too for a surf wing. I have a ton of videos riding it on my yewtube if you want to see it in action in Lake Ontario conditions. I'm currently 87kg and ride the 1050 on a KT 7' 19" 100L with Unit Dlab 3.5m as my light wind setup. Here is an average Lake Ontario wind 10-15kts swell day:
hah your setup is pretty close to mine... was riding a lot the 1050/152/80 with a 90l AFS Midlength and 3.5 D/LAB. also use the 850 a lot with the Skybrid 70l and longer masts... usually 3.5 D/LAB though
your conditions look amazing!