Hi! Any recommendations on good v straps? I'm not going to jump just want something comfortable and good quality.. thanks!
I've been using some North V-straps for around 2 years now and they're pretty comfortable.
I prefer the Dakine contour but they don't make those in V orientation.
I'm not meaning to be a smart guy, but if you're not jumping, why would you use footstraps?
I don't jump or use footstraps as I don't see any benefit. I have tried riding boards with footstraps, and all they did was get in the way.
I really like the axis v straps. I slide the wetsuit off.
I dont jump and would not sail without straps. They lock your front foot down so u can pump up and down. I run them at max distance between screws Alin Cadiz style so you can move forward and back a bit for balance.
I have been using the Dakine Contour straps for years for kite foiling. I just put the end of the two straps in the same hole in the middle, and use a longer screw with a washer. My current set of straps have hundreds of hours on them with no visible signs of wear.
I bought a couple of cheap stress balls from a $2 shop and put one in each strap when the board is in the bag. It stops the strap getting scrunched down and developing a crease.
I have another 40L kite foil board that I sometimes use for winging. It has soft race straps that sit flat on the board. It's fairly easy to stand on top of them during the start when things are a bit sketchy. It's not too hard to sneak a big toe under the strap and lift it so my foot can slide into it.
I normally wing foil strapless because I find it essential to move my feet to handle all the different riding conditions (heelside, toeside, over/under powered, fast, slow, pumping, dropping into steep waves, gliding on ankle slappers). When I do use straps I find turns can be a bit snappier which is fun.
"essential to move my feet to handle all the different riding conditions (heelside, toeside, over/under powered, fast, slow, pumping, dropping into steep waves, gliding on ankle slappers"
Exactly @Gorgo
I yesterday saw F-ones v strap which can be used on boards with one or a double row in the middle. Most v straps are for a single middle row. Somehow they always think things really well through at F-one (and Manera) Kudos to them for that!
The F1 v straps are great really soft and comfortable but found them a little to tight when wearing boots in the winter .
I've been using extra long drake v straps for a while now and they are great if you find many of the brands v strap too small for winter boots.
Personally I like long straps anyway both for regular sailing and jumping.
Can anyone suggest a V strap that is lighter and fits to Fanatic sky wing?
I find the Fanatic straps absorbing a lot of water.
They are comfortable but I can trade it for lightness.
AK Ether V-straps www.akdurablesupplyco.com/bindings/ether-v-footstraps/
Light and comfortable - picture on website does them no justice - they are really neat looking, good quality.
I find those are just windsurfing straps. They're way too stiff for what we do. Of course, they're fine for a lot of people. That all said, I much prefer a flat strap at the back because I can step on it (like FFB or Armstrong).
Up till now, I found the older NSI straps w the neoprene covers to be some of the lighter and yet still most comfortable straps. Though the neoprene once wet, added weight. I recently purchased the new NSI straps w/o neoprene. Finally, had some wind to put some hours on them. Hands down my favorite. Super light, absorb no water and the clincher is the top of my foot doesn't feel like someone sanded it w 600 grit for two hours. The first photo is the old neoprene covers, the second the new version.
Just got a set of the Dakine Primo V for the front and love them. They're best paired with a soft strap in the back so you can still lay on the board when you need to paddle.