I just got back from Cocos Island as part of a Zephyr Kite tours trip. Absolutley the best kite trip I have been on and what a location. The 10 days we were there it barely dropped below 15Knots and we kited every day! Yes, everyday. From the day we landed to the day we flew out we were out on the water!
So now I am having major withdrawls and lots of difficulty adjusting to the real world so I thought I would re-live the experience and call out to anyone who has been to Cocos Islands this, or previous years to post your best photos and tell us your best stories...
I'll get the ball rolling with some photos.picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/tCiFR7J4gSiuKzBl_ICyOg?feat=directlinkhttp://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/pSXnqQ8RFofSDdD7cS3GwQ?feat=directlink
Thanks to Jen, Lee and Brad for a wicked trip... See you next year!
Hey CP, have you been to the Cook Islands/ if so how does it compare to Cocos?
What was the accommodation like? are thier good eating spots as well.
See any sharks in the bay?
I did 8 days this year in Fiji and there was wind every do too but I wonder about the aspects of these Islands, tossing up wether to go to Cook or Cocos next year.
Hi Deanrobi
Nar havent been to cooks but one of my mates went to cooks just before coming to cocos. By the sounds of it Cocos probably has better infrastructure but costs a little more than cooks. They had a few days in Cooks where the wind wasn't really pumping so just played around on 17m Zephyrs. I'll ask him which place he thinks was better next time I see him.
Accomodation on Cocos was great as Jen rent's these two big houses which have everything you would need from a house. Food wise there is a big mess hall which puts on breakfast, lunch and buffet style dinners. There is also a local cafe which does good meals as well. There is a supermarket with limited stuff if you wish to cook your own food. Either way food is expensive but grog is cheap as ($12 for a bottle of rum!) so it kind of works it self out in the end if you drink as much as we did!
i wish i could say great trip but i was supposed to be over there at the same time as you and had to cancel so you suck
Totally agree with CP. Best flat water kiting location I have ever been to. Wind blows all day and night. Warm water and warm wind. Loads of sealife.
Average day.
Breakfast @ 7:00
Kite 7:30 - 11:00
Rest, lunch.
Kite 2:00 'til dark.
Food, beer, sleep
Jen from Zephyr goes to a lot of effort to make it fun and easy for all.
Many thanks
Nice photos CP, cocos islands is an awesome spot. Your photos brought back some good memories. Crystal white sand and 100's of coconut palms.
We visited before I started kiting. The locals are very laid back, the marine life is spectacular, snorkeling the rip and seeing big lazy reefies, diving the cabbage patch and the wall. Chucking poppers to GT's and getting smoked by the sharks. Plenty of sharks from 1' reefies all the way up to big fat tigers..
On the bucket list of places to go again. Think I will head up with the family next winter.
Are there any waves at all on the island?
Do people surf these?
Are they kitaeable (did see a pic a while back of a windsurfer heading for some waves)
It is an island in the middle of the ocean, there must be something but never see any pics
There is good surf for surfing but not for surf kiting. The wind is offshore and the waves are close to shore breaking over shallow reefs
^ Wouldn't try it without boat backup. Also, you'll find that coconut palms line the beach fronts making for gusty wind in close. Very little beach as well, mostly rocks and coral. There are very few surfable breaks. Mostly 6 foot close outs in a foot of water.
If you do manage to kite the surf on Cocos we definitely want to see photos!
Thanks guys
Looks like an awsum spot and will probly go one day.
Done a couple of trips to fiji (coral coast) this year and don't mind mixing it up a bit with flat and waves so a location that offers both (and warm water) is more appealing.
But sh!t the water looks so good there
But I don't surf either
Awesome place to perfect any tricks on flat water before the WA season kicks off. Great tuition and waist deep water makes it a perfect spot to take the other half and get her (or his) confidence up to join you kiting. Unique spot, great like minded people and super cheap alcohol make it a perfect winter getaway. Jen and her crew rock...me and the missus will be back next year!
Yeah i have to say cocos was spot on for me. great location with no mobile coverage great wind, awesome conditions and great to be on cocos time - it dropped me right out when i needed it. Got to chill right out. Great spot to kite and Zepher were great - on ya Jen - . The lads can boost, drink, laugh and kite. Well impressed and will be back for more rib breaking action. oh and the epic upwind kite lads you really are an inspiration. CP thanks for the shots. steve.